Your Triggers are a Gift!

by | 24 Oct 2024

Many times, as I’m working with clients, I notice them experiencing triggers on their way to manifesting their desires. This is not the case for every manifestation for sure. But it tends to be the case for situations where one has a long-held undesirable story.

I have personally experienced them myself.

When you first set the intention to manifest something, and you start pursuing your preferred manifesting practice, you MAY at some point experience some negative triggers.

These negative triggers are meant for you to experience as part of the journey of manifesting your desire in its highest form.

They may be negative emotions tied to unworthiness, abandonment issues, rejection, jealousy, etc.

They are essentially emotions that are pointing the light to some long-held charged negative assumptions that you need to release in order to manifest your desire.

How do you release them?

By asking yourself what assumptions are really going on behind the emotion.

When you look at that trigger straight in the eye, the truth behind it will become visible.

The negative assumptions may include things like:

–        I don’t feel worthy of getting that job, relationship, money, etc

–        I am always rejected

–        I never get what I want… others do, not me

–        I am so tired of not having the life I desire

–        And so on…

The triggers might be pointing to just one assumption or a couple of them. We’re not suggesting it’s a long list of assumptions. It’s usually 2-3 maximum per trigger.

When you recognize what these negative assumptions are, you can release them because you fully realize that they are not aligned with your desire. They are simply no longer your truth.

You’ll know that you’ve released them because you’ll feel lighter.

The triggers are helping you get back into your power and choose more positive and empowering assumptions.

Essentially, by setting the intention and doing your manifesting techniques, you have shifted states. And when you shift, these negatively charged assumptions need to be released so you can fully stand firm in your new identity.

it’s the old identity being shed away, so you can manifest your desire in its highest form – with no limitations standing in the way.

I always see these triggers as a gift.

While they are never a must, as we move from a denser state to a lighter state, we may experience those triggers reflecting long-held assumptions that are begging to be released.

It’s truly all good. I have experienced many of these myself, and so have my clients. But it doesn’t mean anything is wrong.

Most importantly, this is not a must for every manifestation. But only for those desires that come with a long undesired history.

If you need help dealing with such triggers, you definitely want to check out all my coaching options here.

I’ll also be filming a video about this next week.

Meanwhile, check out my latest video on the link below:

The Echo is Always Brief and Temporary | Law of Assumption

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