She’s Manifesting Two Different Versions of Him

She’s Manifesting Two Different Versions of Him

Today, I want to talk about one of my lovely clients, who is literally manifesting two different versions of her soon-to-be fiancé. While they have a great loving relationship, one of the issues she is struggling with is his view on money.

It’s been a while since she’s been highly observant of his issues with money in general, with him being quite vocal about his thoughts of lack around money, not wishing to spend money, discussing costs of things on every occasion, etc.

He predominantly harbors a scarcity mindset around money.

We discussed how she has created this to begin with… he literally checked all her boxes in multiple ways. But our fearful human mind assumes that this “seems too good to be true”. So while he’s leaps and bounds much better than her previous partners, including a highly abusive ex-husband, she still did manifest something in him that makes him less than ideal.

An added concern that does not help is that his father was the same way.

But everything can be literally changed. His “inherited” patterns and/or trans-generational programming can be broken. His scarcity mindset can be changed 180 degrees!

You have to remember that with manifesting, there are no restrictions.

Regardless of the past and what you are experiencing in 3D…

Circumstances never matter.

There are no limitations to what can be changed in someone. She can literally manifest the exact opposite of him right here right now.

And she did, as I’ll cover later.

But when it feels hard to “change” someone, it’s because you are highly focused on the undesired version. Withdrawing your focus from that will make manifesting the opposite feel much easier.

It also helps to create a better story as to why he is the way he is. To help her envision a more abundant mindset, we agreed that his issue stems from financial strains and not because he is cheap or stingy.

And together, we set the intention that he is overall much more abundant…and bam, that manifested almost instantly.

He not only got a new job but a great severance package from his old job. It is more than enough to cover all the costs of the ring and wedding. Not only did that abundance come in, but he also literally told her that he will use that money to give her the ring and wedding she desires.

But until she stabilizes HER story about him, she is still experiencing two different versions of him. Two different personalities. This is not inconsistent behavior. These are two different versions and realities!

In this week’s video, I talk about how this is evidence of parallel realities and how there are zero restrictions to shifting into a reality where a more desired version of someone is showing up. Check it out on the link below:

She’s Manifesting Two Different Versions of Him | Law of Assumption – YouTube

Client Manifests a $20 Mil Deal on the Same Day Using Affirmations

Client Manifests a $20 Mil Deal on the Same Day Using Affirmations

Last month, a lovely client signed up for email coaching, requesting help in creating change for herself in two life areas, one of which is money. She is a real estate agent, who has high debt and barely made a few thousand dollars last year. She felt like her life was a mess and really needed to turn things around for herself.

Adding to that, she works with her mother, who is herself a successful real estate agent but has the belief that one must work very hard to get results, creating a misalignment in work and vision for both.

She filled out the coaching questionnaire and based on that, I developed the coaching plan for her, providing her with customized affirmations addressing her specific issues and some journaling prompts to use as part of her routine.

The outcome?

On the same day… on the same exact day that she started implementing the coaching plan, she received a referral for a $20 million dollar property.

She was utterly shocked…she emailed me and in her own words said that this deal alone could literally change her life and settle all her debt.

This made her realize just how easy it truly is.

Yes, it’s that simple.

She actually told me about multiple other successes, which were also fabulous. But the thing she recalls is getting an idea last year to focus on luxury real estate but she never pursued that. And of-course, the day she started on the coaching plan, the first manifestation was a referral on a $20 million luxury property.

It was her higher mind that gave her that idea last year. And this is again her higher mind telling her to pursue that idea!

All this is telling YOU that everything you desire is literally waiting at your door.

You just need to open the door!

There is never any hard work involved. I say this again and again. The opportunities will literally come to you, in exactly the same way it happened with my client.

The opportunities are right outside your door. But you need to open the door!

Don’t keep the door shut by creating conditions for yourself… i.e. thinking that you need to take multiple steps before you can receive your desires.


That is never the case unless you insist that this is what needs to happen, in which case, you are blocking the manifestation.

I share more on this client’s story and what she actually did in this week’s video:
Client Manifests a $20 Mil Deal on the Same Day Using Affirmations | Law of Assumption

When People Manifest the Opposite of Their Desire

When People Manifest the Opposite of Their Desire

I’ve heard people mention that any time they start working on consciously manifesting a certain desire, they manifest the exact opposite. One subscriber mentioned that she now expects that to happen any time she works on manifesting something because that has been her pattern.

While of-course, that is an assumption that it will happen every time, it is important to understand why she may have manifested that to begin with.

As Abraham Hicks always says, whenever you launch a new “rocket of desire”, you are automatically aware that you do not have that desire. As you work on consciously manifesting, you are automatically showing up in one of two polar opposite states: wanted versus unwanted. One state is aligned with HAVING (i.e. focused on wanted) and the other is in lack (i.e. focused on unwanted).

They are essentially two ends of an imaginary stick (as Abraham says). When you consciously work on manifesting, you need to consider whether you are on the right end of the stick.

Are you in the state of HAVING (i.e. state of wish fulfilled) or are you in the state of NOT HAVING (i.e. lack)?

You think that you are actively “manifesting” but if you are on the wrong end of the stick, you are placing your focus and attention on lack!

So essentially, as you start to work on manifesting, it is very important that you remain mindful of where your focus and attention truly is. Just because you are actively manifesting something, it does not mean that your focus is on the right end of the stick.

One great way of gauging which end of the stick you’re on is to notice what you’re thinking, saying and doing. Remain mindful of these patterns and ask yourself: “If I already had my desire, would I think, say or do any of that?”

Once you understand why you may manifest the opposite, you can (a) let go of the assumption that the opposite needs to happen and (b) remain mindful of which end of the stick you’re most identified with (wanted or unwanted; having or not having; state of the wish fulfilled or state of lack…).

This really is all there is to it. And remember, you can decide right now that you are always and effortlessly in the state of the wish fulfilled.

I talk more about this in this week’s video!

Manifesting the Opposite of Your Desire?! | Law of Attraction (youtube.com)


Manifesting Your Desired Relationship by Valentine’s Day

Manifesting Your Desired Relationship by Valentine’s Day

I received a question from one of my subscribers about how to manifest her desired relationship by Valentine’s Day.

This is really a perfect example of manifesting on a deadline!

We all know that in every moment, we are shifting realities based on our inner state. It’s a state of consciousness reflecting either a state of wish fulfillment or a state of lack – where a given desire is concerned.

When we have placed a deadline for the manifestation of a desire, we must remain conscious of not placing ourselves in a state of lack and pressure, both of which are not aligned with the state of the wish fulfilled.
So to be able to bridge that gap, it’s important to shift internally from that state of lack & pressure to the state of the HAVING our desire.

How do we do that when that date keeps getting closer and closer? How do we remain in the state of the wish fulfilled when we are so conscious of that deadline?

Taking into consideration a date such as Valentine’s Day, there are three different ways to address that gap.

The first is to mentally jump to that date and be thankful for already having that desire. For example, you can say “I am so happy that today is Valentine’s Day and I am in a loving committed relationship with my ideal partner”. Rather than making that date an upcoming future date that is getting closer and closer, we are literally ON that day already, and we are enjoying our manifestation in its full. In doing this, we have shifted from pressure to relief.

My second recommendation for dealing with this stems from the notion that when you are already in your desired relationship, it is unlikely that you are worried about Valentine’s Day coming! The only scenarios where you would be thinking about it so early on is if you are in the early stages of your relationship, you’re very romantic by nature, or you’re a planner! Therefore, the second way to be in the state of the wish fulfilled is to actually plan for that day! You don’t need to take actual physical action (such as booking a location or spending money) but you can certainly research potential dinner date or holiday venues, experiences, trips, outfits and so on! This automatically puts you in the state of the having. In fact, this can really make it more and more believable.

The third suggestion is to not give it another thought! Yes… that’s correct! You’ll understand why I say that in my video below, where I talk about this and more:

How to Manifest Your Desired Relationship by Valentine’s Day | Law of Assumption


You also don’t want to miss another video I posted earlier in the week!

Are the Core Principles of Manifesting Also Assumptions? | Law of Assumption

Revision is Real…| The Law of Assumption

Revision is Real…| The Law of Assumption

Revision is Real…

When I talk about revision on my YouTube channel, I sometimes get questions from subscribers asking if revision is a change in how you perceive a past experience or if it’s an actual change.

And I understand that doubtful minds may think that that is what revision is.

But it’s actually not just a perceptual change of a past circumstance, although it can be.

First, it’s important to remember that manifesting is never about creating change in a current reality but rather about SHIFTING into a parallel reality and timeline where the change exists. This is because you can never change an existing timeline, which is just an illusion and a mirror of an inner dialogue.

The story of that timeline is already written out. The script is done and can’t be changed. It is a mirror reflection of a certain limitation that will continue that same trajectory.

The only thing that can be changed is your inner story (i.e. your inner script) and in doing so, you are SHIFTING into a parallel reality or timeline that mirrors that new story.

This means that any time you are manifesting anything in the “future’, you are also unknowingly changing the past…. Meaning, the timeline you are on automatically has a corresponding past that is different from the past of the original timeline.

This is how revision is actually working. Rather than telling a new story to create change in the “future”, you are creating that change in the past (all of-course by shifting timelines).

Any time you revise a past event, you always remember the “original” story. Otherwise, there will be no way for us to know that we revised.

So let’s take an example. Let’s say that you made an investment decision a few years back that resulted in financial losses. By following Neville Goddard’s approach, you can envision yourself going back to the moment right before that decision was make and make a different decision (e.g. you make the decision  NOT to invest). If you envision this a few times (potentially in the state akin to sleep for faster results), you can essentially impress that new memory into your subconscious mind. Once impressed, while you may still consciously remember the original decision, you might almost feel that you truly made a different decision. It will feel real.

The outcome of this can be surreal. The money you lost will somehow find its way back to you, either from an unexpected source or simply sitting around in your savings account where you originally kept it. The less you interfere with how this will happen, the easier and simpler the outcome will be.

This week, I want you to try this out…

Revision is incredibly fascinating and is another sign of our true power.  I have personally revised on several occasions and until you try it yourself and see it happen yourself, it can be hard to grasp or believe.

I talk about two additional examples of how revision can happen in this week’s YouTube video.

Understanding Revision | Law of Assumption (youtube.com)