YOU Don’t Need Fixing!

by | 23 Nov 2023

Whenever I talk on my channel about “fixing” or “upleveling” your self-concept, it is never about fixing YOU, because YOU never need fixing.

The “REAL YOU” has no issues but is masked by the disempowering beliefs and assumptions you have about yourself.

So what needs fixing, at times, is your THINKING!

You don’t even need to do any real work to “fix” your thinking.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you already know that I always talk about two different approaches for manifesting.

One is through MIND, whereby you use certain techniques to help impress your subconscious mind with more empowering inner assumptions and/or a new story, which then help create a more empowered natural state on “auto-pilot”.

The other is through 5D, which involves aligning with the I AM state. In the latter, there is no work involved except to just remain conscious of your physical ego mind at work so you can transcend it. This involves noticing and observing (with no judgement) your disempowering inner assumptions about yourself, other people, and the world.

By remaining in that state of conscious awareness, you are able to disconnect from these thoughts and align with the REAL YOU.
The REAL YOU is perfect…You THINK you’re less than perfect because your disempowering assumptions are limiting your ability to see the REAL YOU. Your disempowering assumptions are just not true, unless you choose them again and again. When you just notice these assumptions, and observe what you’re choosing in every moment, you allow yourself to release them, regardless of what has been your reality up until that moment.

In this week’s video, I talk about this and more including how JLo continues to remind herself that she is enough through affirmations.

YOU Do Not Require Fixing! | Law of Assumption
YOU don’t need fixing! Period.

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