As I have been talking more and more about Identities X and Y, my clients have been sharing with me their progress applying this new understanding.
As a reminder to what these two identities actually mean, Identity X represents the identity or state where you do not have your desire or see yourself or your actions/behaviors as flawed in some way or not in favor of you having your desire. It’s the state of the wish unfulfilled.
Whereas Identity Y is the identity of the person who DOES have their desire and who is really perfect exactly as they are. It’s the identity that reflects the state of the wish fulfilled.
My clients have actually been experiencing great results in applying this understanding. But there were times where they perceived themselves struggling to “hold the state” or “choose Y instead of X”. One client said that on one occasion, she was in constant shifting between the two identities. While another client said that he found it hard to “keep holding the desired state”.
But here’s the thing… when you are not CHOOSING Identity X, you are naturally and by default in Identity Y!
The minute you get a new desire, you are ALREADY in the identity of having it.
YOU are a part of ALL THAT IS and created in the image of ALL THAT IS, and therefore, recognize that the minute you experience a new desire, YOU ARE ALREADY in possession of it. Otherwise, you would not have that desire.
Everything already exists. Creation is completed. The fact that a desire is in your awareness means that you are already conscious of being it.
This is literally what is meant by Neville Goddard’s quote: “You are already that which you want to be and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it”.
This means there is no state to “hold”. You don’t need to “keep bringing yourself back to Y” because you are in Y by default.
You only ACTIVATE Identity X when you overthink, overanalyze and give truth and permanence to the 3D.
Recognize that the minute you just observe a limiting thought and allow it to pass with zero self-criticism, judgement, meaning or truth, you automatically shift NATURALLY BACK to Identity Y.
You never have to force a shift.
Abraham Hicks talks about the cork floating in water. The cork is naturally floating in water. The only way the cork can go underwater is when you push it down with your finger. So you are naturally in Identity Y (the cork naturally floating in water) and you only take yourself away from it when you choose Identity X (by pushing down on the cork with your finger).
When you are going about your day, doing things that make you happy, spending time with friends, pursuing hobbies, doing work that makes you happy… YOU ARE IN Y!
That is why it’s important to follow your highest excitement in every moment. Doing so ensures that you are in your natural state of being and that you do not allow space for choosing Identity X and activating its corresponding state.
But even if you do activate it, it is momentary! You go straight back by default when you focus on something else. And if you can’t stop thinking, you can pause & reboot (as I explained in my Trinity video). This helps you disengage from the inner state of Identity X.
Essentially, the pause & reboot takes you into the central state of neutrality, which is skewed ever so slightly towards the positive, thereby allowing you to drift back into that natural state representative of Identity Y.
Identity Y is who you truly and naturally are by default!
I talk much more about this in this week’s video:
You Are Already That Which You Want to Be | Law of Assumption
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