Why You’re Finding It Hard to Manifest

by | 13 Apr 2022

Here’s why you’re finding it hard to manifest your desires…

You’re too invested in your current reality. You’re talking about it. You’re complaining about it. You’re keeping it active. You’re looking at your physical reality and seeing it as non-changeable.

You have to understand that everything already exists… your current reality as well as your preferred reality. You decide which reality you experience by the lens you choose to use. The lens is determined by what you’re giving your attention to. If you’re focused on what you DO NOT WANT, you can only perceive that which you DO NOT WANT.

Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. – Neville Goddard

According to Neville Goddard, consciousness is the only reality. Your physical reality and your life are made of the content of what you are conscious of.

Think of your unwanted and wanted realities as two separate large aquariums that you would see in a marine park. In fact there’s an infinite number of aquariums to look into and experience but let’s keep this simple and focus on just two: wanted and unwanted. You have access to the acquarium from the top, where the divers go in to clean the tank, and can look into each aquarium using a mask. While you’re looking into the unwanted aquarium, you cannot view and experience the wanted and vice versa. By observing the unwanted aquarium and talking about it and complaining about it, you are keeping your masked face stuck in that aquarium. Whereas all you need to do is literally withdraw your attention from it and walk to the other aquarium. But you’re insisting on doing otherwise because you think that this is the only option and that it’s hard to change what’s in the unwanted aquarium.

But here’s the thing. You’re not changing it.

You are literally shifting to a more preferred aquarium by withdrawing your attention from the unwanted aquarium and choosing to look into the wanted aquarium. The only thing that is preventing you from doing that is your awareness of the unwanted aquarium. You’re thinking it’s too hard to change. It seems impossible.

But all you really need to do is withdraw your attention from it and walk over to the wanted aquarium. It’s that simple. You’re not changing. You’re shifting and walking over to the next aquarium.

As you’re walking away from the unwanted, you may find yourself looking back at it out of pure habit. You are used to that. In fact, the unwanted aquarium will try to get your attention. The fish will start jumping out of the water. The divers will start banging on the walls. This is the habit of our focus. It’s familiar and so we may keep looking back as we’re walking over to the other aquarium. You have to IGNORE and that’s the only way you’re going to keep your mask out of that reality.

By ignoring, not reacting, and not caring you can keep the mask out of the unwanted aquarium. You understand that this is the only way that you will be able to continue your small walk to the next aquarium where you can perceive everything that you truly want.

It really is that simple.

Sometimes, you make the small walk and start looking into the wanted aquarium. But while you’re there, especially in the beginning, you may still hear the sounds of the other tank. In fact, they are just echoes. But if we respond to them and acknowledge them, we are literally removing ourselves from the wanted aquarium, walking back to the old aquarium and perceiving it all once again. This is when people see glimpses of what they want but then get distracted all over again by noises of the unwanted aquarium. That’s all they are. Residual noises that you must ignore in order to remain focused in the new preferred reality.

Let this analogy show you how simple and easy it can be to shift from the unwanted to the wanted. It really is that simple.

Allow me to help you withdraw your focus from the unwanted aquarium once and for all so you can make the wanted aquarium your permanent experience. Schedule a 30-minute free consultation here.

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