You always hear Manifestation Coaches talk about the undesired physical 3D reality being completely irrelevant, as you’re manifesting change. They always say to IGNORE until you get your full desired outcome.
But people still find it hard to ignore and make the 3D irrelevant, despite these constant reminders.
So I thought I would create a post about exactly why 3D is truly irrelevant.
I have recently been talking a lot about Identities X and Y, with X being the identity of the person who does not have their desire and Y being the identity of the person who does have their desire.
They are essentially two opposite states.
And we are constantly shifting states in every single moment based on the CHOICES we are making in every moment, namely: (a) the assumptions we are making in every moment (whether these assumptions come before, during or after a 3D circumstance), and (b) our focus and attention (i.e. what we are choosing to focus on, including anything undesired).
Our physical reality is nothing more than a series of moment-by-moment OUTCOMES reflecting our identity or state in that very moment, very similar to an animated flipbook.
Now every identity has a corresponding timeline, with a perceived past and future, that does NOT CHANGE. The outcome is already written out based on that identity. So when you are DECIDING that you are not loved, chosen, and pursued (regardless of how you came to decide that about yourself), the corresponding physical timeline will reflect that.
That timeline never changes, whether you are experiencing that timeline in the past or in the future (although really everything is now and linear time is just an illusion).
When you DECIDE that you ARE loved, chosen and pursued (i.e. when you claim Identity Y), that inner shift causes the external timeline to also shift. The timeline of Identity Y also never changes. It’s always reflective of the identity of someone who is loved, chosen and pursued and can never change, unless YOU decide to go back to Identity X.
So when you perceive that your 3D is inconsistent, and you’re experiencing hot and cold behavior from someone or breadcrumbs, it is because YOU are shifting identities. It’s not because the person is changing. YOU are literally shifting identities (and corresponding timelines) based on your choices in that very moment.
This means that when you send a text message to your person from an inspired state of the person who is loved, chosen and pursued (i.e. Identity Y), and then you give a delayed response meaning (such as I don’t appear to be loved, chosen and pursued), you are re-choosing Identity X, and bam, the delayed response persists into hours and days. In fact, the timeline corresponding to Identity X does NOT get any response ever. That is because timeline X never changes… it always reflects the identity of the person who will never be loved, chosen and pursued.
That story and timeline is done and written out already. It can’t change.
This is why you must ignore the 3D while you are creating the change you desire. The change is from WITHIN. It’s about choosing that you are loved, chosen and pursued (i.e. choosing and claiming Identity Y) REGARDLESS of what’s in 3D.
That then allows you to keep IDENTITY Y active within you, thereby giving room for the 3D to take the desired form (as you start to experience the timeline reflective of the identity that you are holding internally).
I talk about all this in much more detail in this week’s video:
This is Why Circumstances Really Do Not Matter | Law of Assumption (