What To Do If You’ve Created a 3rd Party

by | 7 Sep 2023

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I always say that everything in your physical reality is your creation. This applies to the people in your life, including competitors. So if you find yourself in a situation where there is perceived competition for your desire, you have created that too.

Of-course, it may seem easier said than done to deal with competition, especially when you are hoping to manifest a loving relationship. But, as with everything else, this too can be changed.

Manifesting is really a product of two key components: (a) your inner ASSUMPTIONS (i.e. assumptions about yourself, the other person, and/or circumstances in general) as well as (b) your focus and attention. The first one is more important than the second one because even if you remove your focus and attention from your 3D and any third parties, if you assume that you are not chosen or that your specific person is not faithful, then you will continue to experience the same circumstances, even if you are not focusing on the situation.

So in order to change your current circumstances, it’s important to first bring to light what assumptions you really have and release them.

A long time ago, before I knew about manifesting, one of my friends wanted to introduce me to someone. And before she even had a chance to make that happen, he met someone else. We laughed it off as “what bad luck”. But I actually went on to re-create that a few times. The minute I found myself interested in someone, they would meet someone else and start a relationship before I knew what hit me. It became my story!

When I learned about manifesting, I realized how I was creating that! And all it takes is to notice the assumptions you are identified with… which is enough to release them.

You also want to bring in all your focus and attention to yourself, rather than your competition. By withdrawing your attention from THEM to yourself, and affirming for your self-concept, you literally have the opportunity to change your 3D. You never have to manipulate or take any physical action to change your undesired reality. By focusing inward on yourself and building up your own view of self (including being extremely lucky in everything, not just love), your physical reality will change to reflect that. Not only will you bring in a potential SP… but you may bring in others and create a number of options for yourself, making OTHERS compete for you.

If you’re interested to learn more about third parties when it comes to love, I talk about them in the following videos:

What To Do If You Have Manifested a 3rd Party | Law of Assumption – YouTube

A 3rd Party is Always Revealing Your Inner Limitations | Law of Assumption – YouTube



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