Understanding What’s Meant by Living in the End

by | 3 Aug 2023

The concept of LIVING IN THE END is sometimes misunderstood in the manifesting community. People often associate it with “acting as if” (i.e. pretending in physical reality).

It is NOT physical action, although you may take certain actions in 3D that are private and personal, as Arielle Ford explains in her book The Soulmate Secret, which is a book that helps readers manifest a romantic relationship. In the book, she advises readers to make space in their life for the partner to come in, such as clearing closet space, sleeping on one side of the bed, etc.

But that is really the extent of it!

One of my clients, who is manifesting reconciliation with her husband, found herself needing to take physical action, which she felt a wife would do in dealing with her husband. But that is never what is meant here, because until you manifest your desired outcome fully, your actions should align with the current 3D.

Living in the end for her would mean knowing she has reconciled with her husband INTERNALLY and claiming the identity of the happy wife, yet never having to take any action to reflect that in 3D. It’s all inner and mental. For the physical reality to change, you must change internally first.

Another client, who is revising her educational past, asked if she should omit that information from her university application. My response was a firm “no” because you never have to force change in 3D and you never have to manipulate the changes into happening. That shift happens on its own without the need for you to interfere. You do not have the faintest idea how something will happen and how your desired reality will unfold.

LIVING IN THE END is purely a mental state.

It is aligning your thoughts with the desired end (the wish fulfilled), so even if you are seeing the complete opposite in 3D, you know that this is old news. For the physical reality to change, you must change yourself. But you never ever have to take any physical action to match that inner state, AND you are NOT going against the state of wish fulfilled by doing that.

What’s important is to hold the inner state and remain unconcerned with the current 3D because you know it’s shifting.

How do you hold the inner state? By choosing a manifesting practice that you resonate with and persisting with that. You will find yourself in the state of wish fulfilled by persisting. It is an outcome of the inner work you’re doing. You don’t necessarily start there, but you certainly end there. And when you do that, you will not care what the 3D is showing you right now because you will feel it’s already yours internally.

I explain this in more detail in my YouTube Video below.

Understanding the Meaning of LIVING IN THE END | Law of Assumption



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