This Tool Brings Onboard the Physical Mind

by | 20 Jun 2024

One of my highest viewed videos, which was posted two years ago and unanimously had great feedback, was focused on the process of impressing the subconscious mind. At the time, the video explained (from a 3D perspective) how the subconscious mind works. It explained the process of impressing new beliefs into the subconscious mind.

All subscribers with a highly scientific inclination enjoyed the teachings of that video.

Are the teachings of that video true?


Can we impress the subconscious mind through repetition?


Is it the easiest way?


The reason is because repetition is on levels 3 and 4 of the 7 levels of reality creation. The higher levels of creation are much easier, quicker and much less dense.

But we are often inclined to create change at the lower levels of creation because we have been conditioned to believe that change can only be created through time and effort. And we find ourselves needing to create change by forcing action, which is the densest level of reality creation (level 1), controlling our emotions and feelings (level 2), flipping our opposing thoughts and assumptions (Level 3) and doing techniques to impress new beliefs (level 4).

In doing any of the above, we end up investing time and effort.

But none of that is not needed when you create at the higher levels. The reason is because each identity has its own corresponding subconscious mind.

As I always mention on my channel, relative to any desire, there are two main identities: (a) Identity X (which reflects the state of the wish unfulfilled) and (b) Identity Y (which reflects the state of the wish fulfilled).

Identity X has a very different subconscious to that of Identity Y. When you recognize that you are in Y by default, and the 3D is unfolding perfectly, you already have activated within you the subconscious mind that corresponds to Identity Y. You wouldn’t have perceived your desire otherwise.

So the subconscious of Identity Y does not need changing.

When you’re creating from the lower levels of creation, you are using repetition to “impress” and change the subconscious mind of Identity X. But when you realize that you are already that which you desire to be (i.e. you are in Identity Y by default), there is no work needed to change anything. It’s about just allowing the 3D to unfold! (NB. That’s why you actually can set intentions and let them go!)


So in conclusion, repetition is not a must to manifest! No processes or techniques are needed. Nothing is needed when you’re creating from levels 5 and 6.

If you prefer to repeat, it’s perfectly OK. The key is not to assume that you can’t manifest unless you are DOING something.


I talk about this and much more in this weeks’ videos:

Is Repetition Required to Manifest?! | Law of Assumption

How to Choose the Best Manifestation Technique for You | Law of Assumption

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