THIS Helps You Fulfill Your Desires

by | 30 Nov 2023

As people work on manifesting their desires, it may be easy to fall into this “waiting” trap… waiting for the perfect relationship or that promotion or that big chunk of money or whatever that next “big” thing is. That sense of waiting creates a feeling of being stuck or unfulfilled in the now.

Really, the biggest outcome of waiting is a lack of fulfillment in the NOW because we are waiting for something to come about to feel fulfilled. And in doing so, there is more waiting created because of the resistance that comes with that.

Needless to say, things don’t need to take time.

But we want what we want. So how do we manifest the things we desire without feeling like we are waiting or missing something? How do we grow, expand, and align with what’s next for us without noticing that it’s not here yet?

In my book BECOMING YOU, I spoke about the concept of “following your highest excitement in every moment”, which is a concept based on the teachings of Bashar (Darryl Anka). The idea behind following your joy is that if you follow that excitement (no matter how subtle it may be), you will fulfill all your desires.

Doing this has multiple benefits:

First and foremost, it leads you towards fulfillment of your desires (it’s part of the bridge of incidents)

Second, it helps ease the resistance as it gets you out of waiting (and most certainly out of our head!)

Third, it creates joy and fulfillment right here right now.

Essentially, following your highest joy places you in a state of ease and flow. It makes life more about the journey, rather than the destination, which is always inevitable anyway.

It’s not necessarily inspired action because it may not even be related to your desire, but somehow it is a part of the bridge of incidents, which your physical mind has no awareness or understanding of.

In my book, I explain that this sense of excitement can be as small as desiring to take a short walk, call a friend or pursue a new hobby to as big as desiring to start a new business venture, move to a different country or quit your full-time job. That excitement is a signal delivered to you by your Higher Mind, which is always leading you towards manifestation of all your dreams using the path of highest fulfilment.

When you do this, you automatically shift from waiting and lack to fulfillment in the NOW, as you are “led” towards full manifestation of your desires.

In my opinion, this really is the key to living a joyful life as we expand, grow and experience the next natural step on our life journey.

I talk more about this, including sharing an excerpt from my book, in the following video:

How to Stop Waiting for Your Desires | Manifesting

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Your Triggers are a Gift!

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