The One and Only “Technique” Required to Manifest Anything

by | 23 May 2024

One thing I notice from people, whether they are clients or subscribers, is that they are always searching for the next technique to try out in order to manifest their desires.

Don’t get me wrong…

I have no problem with techniques at all and I have used many techniques myself and achieved great success using techniques.

But the key with techniques is not to be at the mercy of them.

Meaning, do not ASSUME that you can’t manifest without them. Or that you will only manifest if you are repeating 100 affirmations per day.

In fact, you can manifest anything and everything without using a single technique because the “real YOU” (who is the awareness behind every thought) – the “conscious and aware YOU – the “I AM YOU” is the one and only source of everything.

It’s the YOU that recognizes the mind at work. It’s the YOU that recognizes the limiting patterns. It’s the YOU that recognizes that assumptions as you’re making them.

That pure awareness that is YOU can decide and choose to transcend any thought because it recognizes itself as separate from the mind. It recognizes itself as the source of everything!

That is the one and only technique… the AWARENESS that you are that!

In that state of awareness, you are never at the mercy of the thoughts, emotions and patterns – all while never judging yourself for having these experiences (because the “real YOU” is always compassionate and understanding and never judges – self-criticism and judgement are behaviors of the limited critical ego mind, which is always SEPARATE from you).

That state of awareness allows you to take back your power. It allows you to recognize that techniques are just tools that assist but not a must because your desires naturally unfold in your physical experience.

The minute we experience a new desire, it is literally DONE. It just unfolds naturally in the 3D but we sometimes block it by thinking that there is something to do for it to unfold. Or that we must “get into the desired state” to manifest it.

We are by default in our natural state (the receiving state, which I refer to as “Identity Y”) but we take ourselves away from that when we CHOOSE Identity X… When we CHOOSE to see ourselves as limited… When we CHOOSE to identify with the limiting thoughts of the mind (versus recognizing their limitations and releasing them).

We essentially get ourselves out of that natural state when we get sucked into the mind. But we can always disconnect from the mind through that consciousness and awareness. This immediately puts you back into Identity Y.


And if you’re not able to do that, then Pause & Reboot, as I explain in my Trinity Video.

It really truly is much easier than we think.

I talk about this and more in this week’s video:

The One and Only “Technique” You Need to Manifest it All | Law of Assumption (


Hope you like it!

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