The Levels of Reality Creation

by | 13 Jun 2024

The most common way people attempt to create change in their realities is through physical 3D action.

They attempt to change WHO they are through action. For example, someone who would like to become a successful entrepreneur may think they must wake up at 5 AM every morning, stop procrastinating, and work 10 hours a day….

Or someone who would like to lose weight and become more fit may think that they must get on a diet and exercise 5 times per week.

People assume what these supposed “actions” should be and then try to take those actions from an identity or state of “not having”.

But creating change through action can be very hard.

It often requires effort, force, discipline, willpower, struggle, … and people often start out using willpower, which works for a short while.

But then they fall back into old patterns of behavior.

This is because they are trying to create change at the LOWEST “vibrational” level of creation, which is actually the densest level…

They are focused on the “HOW” rather than the “WHAT” and they are doing so from a state of “not having” or “not being” who they desire to be.

They are going at things from the bottom-up versus from the top-down.

When you are using a top-down approach, you claim WHO you are and declare THAT as your new identity, and then you allow that to unfold, including the necessary inspired actions that come along in the process. That is because those inspired actions are also manifestations!

So what are the Levels of creation?

The “levels of creation” concept (which is a concept I learned about from Frederick Dodson in his book Parallel Universes of Self and subsequently from Tom Kearin on the Be Something Wonderful YouTube Channel) reflects the ways in which reality can be created, starting from a very dense hard-to-change level (L1) to instant creation at higher levels (L5-7).

The 7 levels are as follows:

L7 – The Great I AM (God – All That Is – Source Energy – One Consciousness)

L6 – The I AM (Son of God – I AM Awareness – Conscious Awareness & Presence – Individuated Soul – One Point of View of All That Is)

L5 – Identity (Son of Man)

L4 – Core Assumptions / Beliefs (reflective of L5)

L3 – Thoughts / Assumptions (reflective of L4)

L2 – Emotions / Feelings (reflective of L3)

L1 – Actions / Behaviors (reflective of L2-5)

When you DECLARE, DECIDE, and CHOOSE who You Are, you ACTIVATE the inner state (L2-4) and the actions (L1) of THAT PERSON because the Law of Attraction will bring about the beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions that match that chosen identity, which has a UNIQUE vibration (It’s all energetic)!

The inner state and actions are literal manifestations of the chosen identity, exactly like a manifestation of 3D reality!

So if you’re constantly fighting your thoughts, or growing tired of doing techniques, or you’re trying to rewire your subconscious beliefs with no success, you are approaching things from the bottom-up rather than from the top-down.

The key is to CHOOSE who you are at Levels 5 & 6 and THEN use the techniques to simply reinforce what you have already chosen. This is when the techniques feel easiest.

I talk about how to do all this in more detail in this week’s video:

The Levels of Reality Creation | Law of Assumption


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