The Hierarchy of Needs

by | 27 Aug 2020

, Did you know that creative self-expression is a vital component of the hierarchy of needs?

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, self-actualization is placed at the top of the pyramid. This is of-course true because we cannot focus on expressing our Divine Gifts when we can’t put food on the table.

However, as explained by Bashar (Daryl Anke), our needs can be prioritized by the extent to which we can survive without them, first on physical level and then at Soul level.

In order to survive in our physical body, we need to attend first and foremost to our basic needs, being air, water, sleep, food, and shelter (in that order).

Once our physical needs are met, we move into our Soul-based needs, which are required in order for our Soul to survive. While we will not die if we don’t have these, we do experience a diminishing of the Soul/Spirit or a feeling of disconnection without them.

At this level, an individual’s Soul requires connections first and then creative self-expression next.

Connections represent building any form of connection or relationship with another, including animals, nature, the cosmos, etc. A Soul cannot survive without some form of connection with another (hence “Wilson” in the Tom Hank’s movie “Cast Away”).

The next Soul-level need is creative self-expression. We MUST express who we are creatively (i.e. express our Divine Gifts) and share that in some form with the world

Money in the bank is not included because it is not required for survival of the body and soul. Money is only the way we believe we can secure our basic needs of food, water, and shelter.

In-so-far as our basic needs are met, connections and creative self-expression are more important than wealth because money on its own does not buy happiness.

That is why you often hear of individuals amassing massive wealth, but are incredibly unhappy. Some even take their own lives. That may be because they are missing one or both of their two Soul-level needs so they no longer could survive in their human experience despite all the wealth they have accumulated.

On the other hand, abundance is certainly a by-product of creative self-expression. When we focus on expressing our Divine Gifts, abundance of all forms flows into our human experience like never before (as mentioned in my ebook, which you can download here). Abundance means that we become “divinely supported”.

Our Divine Gifts represent how our Soul has been designed to receive Vital Force Energy, which comes straight from Divine Source.

We are living in a time where old paradigms are shifting, causing people to rethink their lives and seek fulfillment like never before. In many parts of the world, it is no longer about tending to our basic needs. People are now seeking soul-level fulfillment. This means that now more than ever our focus needs to shift towards nurturing our human connections and expressing our Divine Gifts. For these are vital needs required in these times for our Soul to survive and thrive.



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