Self-Concept Versus Self-Worth

by | 26 Oct 2023

As a coach, I find that there is often a misunderstanding of what’s meant by self-concept. People think it’s just about self-worth or self-esteem. But actually, self-concept is not confined to self-worth, although self-worth is definitely part of self-concept.

The reason I bring this up is because people skip the self-concept work because they believe they don’t have an issue there (i.e. they believe they are already worthy and deserving of their desire). In doing so, they are not addressing those broader limiting self-concept assumptions that are unrelated to self-worth.

So what is self-concept then, if it’s not just about self-worth?

Self-concept represents the assumptions you have about yourself vis-à-vis your desire. When working on manifesting a desire, it’s important to make sure that your self-concept is aligned with the identity of the person who has their desire, and to release any limiting self-concept assumptions that may be standing in the way.

It goes beyond self-worth and feeling deserving of your desire. It’s any assumption you have about yourself, both good and limiting.
For example, one might have a huge sense of self-worth and believe they are so lovable that it intimidates potential romantic partners! That is not a self-worth issue but definitely a limiting self-concept.

Another example might be someone who knows they are very good at their job, but luck is not on their side. They believe that they are extremely skilled and deserving of success but are unlucky or are never in the right place at the right time.

Or they believe that while they are just perfect as they are, it’s not their destiny to get their desire. Or their birth chart is not in favor of abundance!

All these are examples of limiting self-concept assumptions that may not be tied to self-worth and self-love.

So do not neglect self-concept on the assumption that it’s just about self-worth and self-love.

Having said that, even when it comes to self-worth, sometimes people may have subtle self-worth issues that may be standing in the way of them getting their desires. Try to be transparent with yourself as much as possible so that you get your desires! Remember, there is nothing to FIX except your own thinking and opinions, and sometimes these opinions are very subtle.

I speak about all that and more in this week’s two videos:
Understanding Self Concept Versus Self Worth | Law of Assumption
Subtle Self-Worth Issues to Release | Law of Assumption

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