Revision is Real…| The Law of Assumption

by | 11 Jan 2024

Revision is Real…

When I talk about revision on my YouTube channel, I sometimes get questions from subscribers asking if revision is a change in how you perceive a past experience or if it’s an actual change.

And I understand that doubtful minds may think that that is what revision is.

But it’s actually not just a perceptual change of a past circumstance, although it can be.

First, it’s important to remember that manifesting is never about creating change in a current reality but rather about SHIFTING into a parallel reality and timeline where the change exists. This is because you can never change an existing timeline, which is just an illusion and a mirror of an inner dialogue.

The story of that timeline is already written out. The script is done and can’t be changed. It is a mirror reflection of a certain limitation that will continue that same trajectory.

The only thing that can be changed is your inner story (i.e. your inner script) and in doing so, you are SHIFTING into a parallel reality or timeline that mirrors that new story.

This means that any time you are manifesting anything in the “future’, you are also unknowingly changing the past…. Meaning, the timeline you are on automatically has a corresponding past that is different from the past of the original timeline.

This is how revision is actually working. Rather than telling a new story to create change in the “future”, you are creating that change in the past (all of-course by shifting timelines).

Any time you revise a past event, you always remember the “original” story. Otherwise, there will be no way for us to know that we revised.

So let’s take an example. Let’s say that you made an investment decision a few years back that resulted in financial losses. By following Neville Goddard’s approach, you can envision yourself going back to the moment right before that decision was make and make a different decision (e.g. you make the decision  NOT to invest). If you envision this a few times (potentially in the state akin to sleep for faster results), you can essentially impress that new memory into your subconscious mind. Once impressed, while you may still consciously remember the original decision, you might almost feel that you truly made a different decision. It will feel real.

The outcome of this can be surreal. The money you lost will somehow find its way back to you, either from an unexpected source or simply sitting around in your savings account where you originally kept it. The less you interfere with how this will happen, the easier and simpler the outcome will be.

This week, I want you to try this out…

Revision is incredibly fascinating and is another sign of our true power.  I have personally revised on several occasions and until you try it yourself and see it happen yourself, it can be hard to grasp or believe.

I talk about two additional examples of how revision can happen in this week’s YouTube video.

Understanding Revision | Law of Assumption (


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