Releasing Limiting Beliefs Is Very Easy If….

by | 31 Mar 2022

Releasing Limiting Beliefs Is Very Easy If….

The thoughts you think are important but what’s more important are your inner beliefs. What you believe to be true will always be reflected in your outer reality because everything in your physical reality is a reflection of your subconscious mind.

At one point in time, I used to place great value in conscious thoughts until I started finding difficulties in manifesting regardless of the positive and empowering thoughts I was thinking. I came to realize that one positive thought or belief alone may not be powerful enough to supersede other limiting and possibly contradictory subconscious beliefs that I must have been holding true.

At first, knowing that our inner beliefs are much more powerful than our conscious thoughts scared me. I thought that it would require going to therapy or hypnosis to uncover these hidden beliefs and where they actually came from. But then I came to understand that releasing hidden beliefs is much easier than I thought.

To release a hidden or deep-rotted belief, all you need to do is bring it into your conscious awareness.

Yes indeed. It’s that simple. PROVIDED….

You uncover or bring into your conscious awareness the CORE BELIEF.

To understand this, I need to explain what beliefs are and how belief systems actually work.

What is a belief?

A belief is “a firmly held opinion” according to Oxford Dictionary.  It is not a fact. But we believe it to be a fact because our outer reality confirms it to be true. But if our outer reality is a reflection of our beliefs, then the only reason it shows up in our reality is because we believe something to be true.

The beliefs always come first. How beliefs are born is not important. We probably acquired them over time, as we started to adopt the opinions of influential people in our lives. Some beliefs are actually positive, when they allow us to expand and create the life we want. However, when beliefs are holding us back, then they definitely should be released. But to easily release them, the core belief must be uncovered first.

Belief Systems

Beliefs often times work together to reinforce one another. Typically, there will be one core or fundamental belief and multiple secondary beliefs tied to that core belief.

If you uncover a secondary belief, which is really just a supporting belief for the core belief, you may find it difficult to release it because it is tied to a core belief, which you have not yet uncovered. However, if you find the core belief, then you can easily release it (along with all secondary beliefs, even if you do not bring the latter into your conscious awareness).

It really is that simple. Uncover the core belief and you can just release it.

A quick way to uncover core beliefs is to ask yourself this simple questions:

What must I believe about myself, other people and circumstances in order to be manifesting this circumstance?

You will be able to uncover all beliefs and subsequently release them. If you can’t release them, then you have not uncovered the core belief.

Here is an example:

You may be strained for money and can’t seem to get out of that situation. When digging deep, you uncover the following beliefs:

  • I don’t need a lot of money to be happy.
  • Money is not important.
  • It’s selfish to want money.
  • Money is not a priority.

Despite uncovering these beliefs, you find it difficult to release them (i.e. you either consciously still hold them true or you manifest circumstances that indicate these beliefs are still there).

Through further reflection, you uncover another money belief, which is “Money is the root of all evil”, which is your core belief around money.

Since you believed that money is the root of all evil, you built a number of supporting beliefs around money to further reinforce that core belief.

In order for you to change your relationship with money, and attract abundance, you must find the core belief and release that. In this case: “Money is the root of all evil.” By bringing this into your conscious awareness, you can automatically release it because that is just an opinion and an illusion and it’s easy for you to see that.


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