Is Your Subconscious “Rejecting” Your Affirmations?

by | 14 Dec 2023

I find that people make all kinds of judgements or assumptions about their subconscious minds, including the idea that their subconscious minds would actually reject their affirmations.

I recently received a question on my YouTube channel about someone experiencing many opposing thoughts despite persisting with an affirmation routine. She said that many thoughts keep popping up about her desire and she keeps finding it hard to believe that she can manifest her desired outcome.

Not only was she judging the fact that opposing thoughts were popping up (as a sign that her subconscious mind is not accepting the new assumptions) but she was also worried about the fact that she is finding it hard to believe the new story.

The thing about manifesting is that anything you ASSUME is what will actually happen, including your assumptions about how manifesting works!

In response to that question, I thought it would be very important to lay it all out here…

First, your subconscious mind can never reject anything. It takes in what you feed it consistently and with time, that has to become dominant (providing you are remaining conscious of opposing thoughts and not engaging with them). Even then, a surplus of positive assumptions will make them dominant in your subconscious. Period.

Second, just because you may have opposing thoughts, it does not mean that the new assumptions are not impressing into your subconscious mind and becoming more dominant. It also certainly does not mean that you are doing anything wrong. I have mentioned in the past that your opposing thoughts will likely reduce as you persist with a routine. But it does not mean that you should be triggered if and when they do come up, as such triggers cause them to perpetuate. Just notice them with zero self-criticism or judgement for having them. In your observation of these thoughts as they are happening, they can’t create.

Third, you don’t need to consciously believe your affirmations to be able to manifest your desired outcome. This is something I repeat again and again. And just because you don’t consciously believe in the new story, it does not mean it has not become dominant subconsciously. That is why you may often times manifest your desired outcome before you even consciously believe that it’s possible.
Giving value to any of the above could actually impact your ability to manifest because you are ASSUMING that all these are blocks to your manifestation.

These are all important reminders… just persist with your routine. Don’t be concerned with your opposing thoughts coming up. What matters is that you are not giving in to them or going into an unconscious state.

Just trust in the process and it will all unfold perfectly!

I talk more about that in the following video!
Is your Subconscious Mind Not “Accepting” your Affirmations? | Law of Assumption

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