In Every Moment You Have the Choice…

by | 14 Sep 2023

As we go through life, we are constantly drawing conclusions and making observations and judgements about the people and circumstances in our life. These conclusions, judgements and observations reflect our inner assumptions drawn on past conditioning. These assumptions are directing our physical reality and the direction we are going in life.

The problem is when these assumptions are not serving us or taking us further away from manifesting our desires. As the operant power and creator of your reality, you always have the choice to notice what assumptions you are making in every moment. If these are not in your favor, then take back control!

Ask yourself… Is this something that I would like to perpetuate? Is this something I want?

I found myself in that situation this past week… drawing conclusions and judgements about someone and nearly convincing myself that I was right. But then I had to pause. I knew that if I kept fueling these conclusions, that person was going to reflect back every negative assumption I was making about him.

So I questioned the situation, asking… do I want these negative assumptions to be true?

That’s the part that I found myself hesitating about. I felt that I wanted to be right as a means of self-sabotage. That is because the path that was unfolding for me felt very scary and out of my comfort zone. I felt quite overwhelmed.

Self-sabotage naturally felt safer for me.

But in our higher consciousness, we always have the opportunity in every moment to take back control of the assumptions we are making…rather than being at the mercy of our past conditioning, especially when we are unconsciously using that as an excuse to self-sabotage.

Our ego minds can do that sometimes! Our ego mind wants to keep us safe from “perceived danger”, which can be something as simple as being out of our comfort zone…or as dangerous as we are willing to create for ourselves!

Whether or not our ego mind is right all depends on what assumptions we are choosing to engage with and perpetuate. We can always prove our ego mind right by accepting those assumptions, and then manifesting them!

OR we can take back control of these assumptions, and re-direct the outcome.

We always have the choice.

I talk about taking back control in the following two videos:

Redirect the Assumptions You are Making in Every Moment | Law of Assumption

Take Back Control of Your 3D | Law of Assumption

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