How to Trick Your Subconscious Mind Into Believing the New Story

by | 28 Jul 2022

Your physical reality is a projection of your subconscious beliefs and assumptions. Anything you are holding to be true at subconscious or unconscious level is impacting what you observe and experience in your physical reality. By understanding this point, you have the ability to create the life that you desire, simply by releasing limiting beliefs and enforcing more positive ones, i.e. rewiring your subconscious mind.

Through repetition, you can rewire your subconscious mind, and thereby transform your physical reality, fairly quickly. The best and fastest way to do that is by tricking your subconscious mind into believing your new story, your new assumptions, the new way of being. And the way to do that is to persist with that new story with as little contradiction as possible.

If you do this, even for a few days, you really have the power to manifest everything that you want.

The key is not to contradict.

So the question that begs an answer now is, how do we contradict?

We contradict by observing what’s not working and talking about it.

We contradict by focusing on what’s not working and questioning why we’re not getting what we want.

We contradict by reacting negatively (emotionally or in actions towards what’s not working out in our favor.

We’re observing and putting so much focus on what’s not working. That’s how we’re contradicting.

The contradictions are magnified when you are feeling negative emotions, because that’s amplifying the contradiction.

If you understand that all you need to do is persist in the new story without contradicting just for a few days, you have the power to not just see movement, but manifest what you want very fast.

It’s just about tricking your subconscious mind into believing the new story.

Your subconscious mind has no eyes, no ears. It does not have the five senses. It has no ability to know what is real and what is not real except what you feed it.

With this simple understanding, you can really start to shift in taking control of your physical reality and manifesting what you want fast.



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