How to Effortlessly Shift & Stay in the State of Wish Fulfilled

by | 17 Aug 2023

While manifesting your desire, if you are constantly fighting intrusive opposing thoughts and finding it difficult to ignore your undesired 3D physical reality, you are likely more dominantly in the state of the wish unfulfilled. As you already know, the state of wish fulfilled has a very different identity (or state of consciousness) than that of state of wish UN-fulfilled. The state of HAVING has a different set of beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions than the state of NOT HAVING.

Therefore, if you are experiencing intrusive thoughts and feeling immensely triggered by 3D, you are likely in the state of NOT HAVING…

When you are in the state of wish fulfilled, you NATURALLY experience fewer opposing thoughts and if they do come up, you find yourself easily disengaging from them. There is no fight! Additionally, you also find yourself unconcerned with 3D by default.

That is why I always highly recommend that people persist with their manifesting practice of choice, whether they choose to manifest through 4D or 5D, until they reach that state at the very least. The reason is because when you are in that state, you are effortlessly unconcerned with 3D and your opposing thoughts decrease in number. This is actually when you start “feeling it real”, which is a term used by Neville Goddard… This is not necessarily a believing state but a state of very high receptivity. It feels more natural to you to have your desire.

So while, in the beginning, you may need to use will power to control your opposing thoughts and ignore 3D, with a little bit of time, you find yourself naturally there. You actually do not need to reach that state to manifest, but it certainly makes it easier to persist because you are NATURALLY persisting. You are already there. There is no fight. You also don’t feel like you’re waiting for your desire and/or requiring validation from 3D.
The question then is… how do you reach that state?

You reach that state by (a) persisting with a manifesting practice of choice (until the full desire manifests), (b) controlling opposing thoughts and (c) ignoring the current undesired 3D reality. With respect to (b) and (c), these are only needed for a short while before you naturally have fewer opposing thoughts and find it easy to ignore 3D.

When you get this, it’s no longer about fighting or struggling to manifest your desire or relying on will power. It’s about persisting until you shift states internally… and from there onwards, you are in the natural state of having… if you’re going to manifest, why not make life easy for yourself and reach that state sooner rather than later?

If you’d like to find out more about this, I recommend you watch my YouTube video below.
How to Effortlessly Shift & Stay in the State of Wish Fulfilled | Law of Assumption


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