How to Claim Your Desire Despite 3D Circumstances

by | 30 May 2024

Today’s post is inspired by a question I received on my YouTube channel asking how one can claim a desire, as it is a phrase I often repeat in my videos and emails. The subscriber asked if that means “affirming” for it.

I thought this would be a great topic to cover!

Affirmations are indeed a great way to claim your desire. They help you remember what you are choosing to experience and redirecting your thoughts and words towards what you desire. But they are not the only way, especially if you are someone who prefers not to do any techniques.

Claiming your desire means choosing it and rechoosing it despite anything you experience in your 3D that says otherwise.

It’s about not wavering or giving in to undesired 3D circumstances.

It’s about not giving up.

It’s about persisting with your choice despite your triggers and frustrations.

It’s about not questioning if you’re doing anything wrong.

It’s truly about keeping your eyes on the prize or end goal DESPITE what you’re seeing in your 3D reality.

One of my lovely coaching clients came to me a couple of weeks ago feeling quite defeated about a business rejection she experienced for her brand. She said that a retailer did not pick up her brand even though she was doing everything right. And she questioned if she had any hidden subconscious fears that may have sabotaged her manifestation.

I reminded her that there are never any hidden fears, as your assumptions are usually quite conscious and obvious to you. I also told her that, if anything, this assumption itself (that there might be hidden fears that could sabotage your manifestation) IS the reason behind this rejection. So I advised her to drop that assumption and to just CLAIM her desire despite anything she experiences in her 3D reality.

She came back to me a few days ago thanking me for my guidance and letting me know that her brand was successfully picked up by another “dream retailer”.

That’s because she decided to not let her frustrations stop her from reclaiming what she wants. She did not let that one “rejection” get in her way. In doing so, she got another “dream retailer” to pick up her brand and she continues to assume that the original retailer will also come back!

So if I could really give a summary of what I mean by “claiming your desire” it would be to simply ignore undesired 3D circumstances (as in, don’t make any of it matter) and just stick with your desired end.

Certainly, you can affirm. Or visualize. Or journal. Or do any other technique that reinforces your desired end.

But even just holding firm in your desired intention and declaring that circumstances truly don’t matter, you are claiming and reclaiming your desire!


It’s about persisting in holding that desired end as your truth regardless of your feelings of defeat, frustration, and any visible undesired 3D circumstances.

This is really when your 3D reality changes!

This email is your sign to persist in CLAIMING, CHOOSING and RECHOOSING your desired outcome! Remember, circumstances truly don’t matter.

Videos You May Want to Watch This Week:

The Role of Gut Feeling While Manifesting Your Desires | Law of Assumption (

You Are Already That Which You Want to Be | Law of Assumption (


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