Expressing Your Divine Gifts

by | 25 Oct 2020

I’ve spoken a lot about expressing your Divine Gifts, which will quite often be an important part of the intentions you set at Soul-level.

That is because Vital Force Energy (VFE) will flow to you most abundantly when you express your Divine Gifts.

VFE is Life Force. It’s the energy that keeps you alive and it’s also the energy we access to create. When it’s abundant, you thrive on all levels – physically, health wise, wealth, fulfillment, time, etc. A lack of VFE creates the opposite of that. It depletes your human experience on all levels.

Your Divine Gifts – also referred to as your Energy Center –  represent the energetic quality of your Soul and how you are designed to receive VFE and also EXPRESS yourself. It’s similar to the DNA of a human body. You will find yourself drawn to certain ideas, actions and experiences because they are an energetic match to who you are at Soul level. It’s Universal Law.

However, you also have free will. You always have the CHOICE to express or NOT express your Divine Gifts because it may seem uncomfortable at times to take such actions, as was the case with me as I explained in my ebook “The 5 Magical Shifts“. I was afraid. And when we don’t express our Divine Gifts, VFE does not flow abundantly.

When I chose not to listen to my intuition, which is always guiding us towards the expression of our Divine Gifts, I struggled. Yes, I believed that I could create anything that I wanted because of the Law of Attraction. But what I attracted did not fulfill me. It also required an immense amount of will power because of the lack of fulfillment and all the other struggles that came up as a result.

Creative energy is meant to be CREATED. When we continue to perpetuate the situations that do not allow us to express our Divine Gifts, we get depleted. This is one of the most powerful aspects of understanding your Divine Gifts because you start to truly understand (and appreciate) why you need to release certain situations, habits and people, who may be blocking the flow of VFE.

And when you continue to not express your Divine Gifts, your unused creative resources start to express themselves in the form of drama and dysfunction. We always have a choice and it is our responsibility to express our Energy Center in a productive and functional way in order to thrive in our human experience.

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Your Triggers are a Gift!

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