Don’t Justify Why It’s Not Here Yet

by | 9 Nov 2023

As we focus on manifesting our desires, sometimes our conscious ego mind needs “consolation” on why something is taking time or hasn’t manifested yet, giving power and value to something external.

The job of our physical ego mind is to protect us from harm. It draws on our past experiences and/or that of other people to find ways to protect us. Therefore, when we are working on manifesting something, and it’s not happening, the conscious mind often finds relief in an “external” justification for its perceived lack of progress because it cannot otherwise justify persisting with that desire.
To the ego mind, persisting with the desire equals danger, UNLESS there is a “reasonable explanation”.

As an example, one of my subscribers stated that she keeps thinking that her ex is not contacting her because he is probably fearful to face her after his past wrongdoings towards her.

While this may provide temporary relief, upholding that assumption may perpetuate the delay…

When the need to justify pops up in your mind, remind yourself that while this may temporarily satisfy you, it is not a helpful assumption to uphold long-term.

You also want to become conscious of the justifications, as they come up. You never have to convince your mind that they are not true. Just become conscious of the “mind at work”. When you realize that these are natural defense mechanisms of the mind, you can transcend these assumptions all together.

You NEVER have to justify why you desire something, and why you desire to persist with working on a manifestation, regardless of how long it’s taking. And while you must remain assured that you are not doing anything wrong, the only reason it hasn’t manifested is because of the assumptions you are upholding. And the only thing you need to do is recognize these assumptions as they come up, and then persist with your chosen manifesting practice.

Therefore, if you find yourself in such a circumstance, I highly recommend that you just (a) notice the defense mechanisms of the mind at work, (b) remind yourself that it’s all internal not external, and (c) persist with your manifesting practice without focusing on any justifications on why it hasn’t yet manifested. Nothing else is needed.

You never have to convince the mind of anything. Just transcend these limiting assumptions and persist.

I talk about it more in this video:
Don’t Justify Why It Hasn’t Manifested Yet | Law of Assumption

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