Do This If You Find It Hard to Control Your Opposing Thoughts

by | 31 Aug 2023

If you’re having many intrusive and opposing thoughts and find it difficult to take charge of them, do not worry because there are some ways of dealing with them and still manifest your desire.

First, it’s important to understand what is meant by opposing thoughts, because contrary to popular belief, they are not universally negative thoughts. They are just thoughts and words that oppose YOUR desire… they are thoughts that take you out of the state of the wish fulfilled. Granted, there are some thoughts that are universally negative, yet not every thought is negative. If I think and vocalize that I am happily single, that is not a negative thought if I desire to remain single. But it is an opposing thought for someone who desires to find love and be in a relationship. That is why we say “opposing” rather than “negative”. It’s an important distinction. I explain what is meant by opposing thoughts in this video.

So then, what to do if you are experiencing so many intrusive opposing thoughts, making it hard for you to believe that you’ll be able to manifest your desire?

There are several ways…The most potent way is to do your manifesting technique in SATS (in the State Akin to Sleep), whether you prefer affirmations, or activating a mental image or visualizing. When you perform a technique in SATS, you are impressing that new story straight into your subconscious mind because your conscious mind is less active, making your subconscious mind much more receptive. When you do this persistently, you will manifest your desire even if you are opposing your desire during the day. Scientifically, your subconscious mind is that much more powerful than your conscious mind. So with persistence in affirming or visualizing in SATS, you will overpower any conscious opposing thoughts you may have during the day, and you WILL manifest. You will likely also have fewer opposing thoughts with time, as the new story is impressed in SATS.

The second way to deal with opposing thoughts is to NOTICE them as they are happening (a) with ZERO self-criticism or judgement for having the opposing thoughts, AND (b) without fighting the thoughts and/or trying to convince yourself that they are not true. You will drain yourself out if you do either! In fact, the more you self-criticize, fight the thoughts or try to convince yourself that they are not true, the more you will experience these thoughts… Remember, anything you focus on grows, including opposing thoughts. When you just NOTICE and OBSERVE yourself lovingly with great compassion to self, you will allow these thoughts to dissolve with time.

The third way to deal with opposing thoughts is to persist with a manifesting practice for a short while until you internally shift states. When you do that, you basically have fewer opposing thoughts BY DEFAULT.

I talk more about this and the concept of FEELING IT REAL in the following two videos!

Feeling It Real is NOT an Emotional State and Is NOT a Must | Law of Assumption


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