When you are experiencing very negative thoughts – triggered by very negative 3D circumstances – the last thing you want to do is try to flip these thoughts into positive ones.
It’s possible to flip them of-course, provided you are not heavily engaged with them.
But when you are in the middle of dire 3D circumstances, you may find it much harder to flip those negative thoughts into positive ones. Or to have positive thoughts in general.
And because you may find it hard to “think positive”, you may experience even more negative thoughts, as you worry about these negative thoughts creating even more negative circumstances.
When you experience dark thoughts – including worries and fears about 3D circumstances – allow yourself to just become aware of these thoughts.
You don’t need to believe that they are not true. You don’t need to fight them. You don’t need to fear them.
Just notice them and observe them as though you were a third party. There is literally nothing you need to do except become aware of yourself having these thoughts.
Don’t try to convince yourself that these negative thoughts are not true.
Don’t resist or fight them or fear them.
Don’t try to flip them (unless you can, but it’s ok if you can’t).
Don’t criticize yourself for having them to begin with.
Don’t try to ignore them, unless you can. If not, it would be better to observe and acknowledge them.
Acknowledge that you are experiencing fearful thoughts and assumptions. And do so with inner self-love and compassion. It’s all OK!!!
It’s ok to have these thoughts come up.
It’s ok to be afraid.
It’s ok to feel what you feel.
But don’t fear the outcome of these thoughts and feelings – because the mere fact you are aware of yourself having these thoughts means you are in conscious awareness. And in that conscious awareness, these negative thoughts can be released.
In your observation of them, you are allowing these fearful thoughts to pass through and then subsequently dissipate.
Thoughts and feelings may pass through. It’s ok. It doesn’t mean they will create or become your reality.
The key is to experience them and allow them to pass through!! The less you fight them or engage with them, the faster they disappear.
Your fearful thoughts and feelings don’t create in your conscious non-judgmental awareness of them. Let them pass through.