Choose How to Perceive the 3D

by | 18 Jul 2024

A few weeks ago, a subscriber asked me if I had any insight on what is going on when there is zero change in the 3D (i.e. neither a positive nor negative change). Just no change at all for a long while.

I went on to respond to her that her PERCEIVING that there is no change in the 3D keeps that status quo. Essentially, in her perception of “no change”, she is CHOOSING to experience further “no change”….

The subscriber was not quite satisfied with that response, needing an external reason as to why the 3D is not changing. And, often times, coaches do give reasons (i.e. ASSUMPTIONS!) on why something is the way it is.

In the scenario of “no change”, we’ve heard it all!

  • Divine timing.
  • There is always movement behind the scenes.
  • Transition period.
  • The “Universe” is testing you…
  • Etc etc…

The problem with these momentarily relieving externalized assumptions is that people will go on to create unnecessary delays in their manifestations!

It would be a disservice by me to provide any reasoning as to why there is no movement in 3D because the mere fact that she is perceiving “no movement” is creating more of it…

SHE is the one and only source of her creation.

That is why I always tell my clients to just decide and choose that everything is unfolding perfectly.

There are no delays.

There is always movement.

It’s all happening perfectly, no matter what.

The more you place your awareness that it’s all unfolding perfectly, the faster you will experience the change you desire.

Otherwise, me giving you external reasons for the delay only perpetuates further delays!!!

Ultimately, HOW you are perceiving your reality is a reflection of what you are ASSUMING in this moment. And your physical reality is always a mirror reflection of your inner assumptions and focus.

So assume wisely! Focus your attention on what you prefer to experience (and remove your focus from anything you don’t prefer, including zero change).

Choose to perceive everything in your favor, as that places your awareness and attention on your desired end. Period.

And in doing so, the “no change” reality shifts very fast!

I talk about this in great depth in this week’s video, including a second discussion of how perceiving is choosing from another real-life client example.

Choose to Perceive Your Reality from the Lens of Fulfillment | Law of Assumption

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