Can I Manifest this….?

by | 16 May 2024

I consistently receive this question “Can I manifest this… ?” about some desire that someone thinks is potentially not possible.

There is still a great deal of programing from Law of Attraction, which seems to imply that some things can be manifested while others cannot.

The reason being the concept of “separation”.

People PERCEIVE that they are receiving or being granted their desire by an external force, for example, the Universe.

And so, people still think that there are some things they will not be given because the Universe is separate from them.

That’s why I thought I would post a video about this and talk about it further.

In absolute terms, everything is possible.

This “physical” reality is a projection of your inner consciousness. You and your reality are one and the same. There is no “universe” outside of your consciousness.

When you are dreaming at night, you are experiencing this in full. You are experiencing yourself in the dream, but you and all aspects of the dream are all part of your consciousness (which you only realize when you wake up).

It’s precisely that way where your physical experience is concerned!! You are one and the same with your consciousness, as a point of view or perspective of One Consciousness. You are experiencing yourself as that one point of view.

So the mere fact that you have a desire, it is already fulfilled because it exists within your consciousness. Otherwise, you would not even perceive it.

I’ve said in the past that all desires are spillovers from a parallel reality where you are experiencing those desires in full. That parallel reality is within your consciousness waiting for you to light it up as a new experience. You do so by assuming it’s yours to experience.

If you have the desire, it is already fulfilled in 5D (in your consciousness). It will unfold for you in the 3D, unless you CHOOSE otherwise.

When you ASSUME that you can’t experience it, you are choosing unfulfillment, although that can’t actually be. Everything is fulfilled in 5D. There is NO unfulfillment within your consciousness (5D). But you CHOOSE TO EXPERIENCE the non-fulfillment of your desire in 3D. Not because you can’t but because you CHOOSE not to with all the different assumptions you have around the situation.

The experience of “lack” is a purely physical experience. It’s not a 5D experience. That’s because there is no duality in the 5D spiritual realm. Everything just IS. Everything is already fulfilled. Creation is finished. So in 5D (aka your inner consciousness, the quantum field, the field of infinite possibilities, the “vortex”, etc), all your desires are already fulfilled.

They’re just queued up to be “physically” experienced in the 3D, given that we are limited by one-dimensional time and space. We can’t experience everything at once. We must experience our desires frame by frame (i.e. in a perceived series of “now” moments).

The more you light up that part of your consciousness reflective of HAVING your desire, the faster you will experience it in 3D.

But sometimes, there appears to be a slight delay.

Why? Because you are meant to EXPERIENCE fulfillment of the desire in the physical dimension (3D), including being aware of its lack of fulfillment (duality), even if just momentarily. That’s what makes fulfillment that much more experiential and joyful. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here! We’d just stay in the spiritual dimension where we can experience it all at once.

I spoke about that in Video 3 of my 3-Part Video Series on Consciousness and Manifesting.

So going back to that question “Can I manifest (fill in the blank)?”

The answer is a definite YES. You would not have that desire if it was not meant to be experienced in full.

Give yourself permission to experience fulfillment of that desire. It’s all part of your theme of exploration. Your desires are never a coincidence. Just go with it!

I talk more about that in this week’s video.

Can I Manifest This?! | Law of Assumption

Hope you like it!

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