Beware of Fear-Based Coaching

by | 2 Nov 2023

One of the things I hear about while working with clients is some of the coaching advice they receive from other coaches on their manifesting journey.

Recently, a client of mine informed me of some advice she received from another coach regarding a desire she has to revise her past. The coach advised her to be careful about such revision as it could manifest in undesired circumstances.

Of-course, that coach was only mirroring my client’s own fear-based assumptions. But even so, the coach herself is still learning. She reminded me of myself a few years ago, when I was still heavily identified with my physical mind.

It is pure fear-based thinking that is OF THE PHYSICAL MIND.

Unless the physical mind has a frame of reference, it may find it hard to make sense of something like revision.

The important thing to realize is that your higher mind knows everything that you want, even if you have not set an intention for it. It knows everything that is your preference. When you get out of your own way by disengaging your physical mind from the process, you WILL manifest the most desirable outcome at all levels. It will not be missing anything. It will not happen with negative outcomes.

Therefore, today’s email is a reminder to you to always remember that fear-based thinking is always of the physical mind, and never of your higher mind, or the I AM part of you that is the operant power.

Your higher mind is always helping you get your desires, with no judgement. It is always saying YES LET’S DO IT. It is always very loving. And it always guides you in a gentle way and in a way that you can receive it. It is ALWAYS leading you towards manifestation of your desires, even if it does not appear that way.

Your physical mind – with no frame of reference – may conjure up less-than-ideal ways you can manifest something from a more fear-based perspective. That’s where it’s important to remain in your higher awareness so you can notice the physical mind at work.

If you have the desire for something, then it’s 100% possible. Otherwise, you would not have that desire. If you’re not ready to have something, or it’s not part of your journey, you will not desire it.

With so much information out there, the best way to know what is true FOR YOU is by engaging with that loving inner voice within you. It is always loving, expansive and exciting. It is never fearful. If you quiet your physical mind long enough, you will hear it.

I speak about that in this week’s video:
Beware of Fear Based Manifestation Coaching | Law of Assumption

P.S. I talk a lot about the physical versus the higher mind in my book Becoming You – Create & Live an Extraordinary Life. You can purchase it on Amazon.

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