Balance Inner Masculine and Feminine While Manifesting

by | 6 Jun 2024

When you’re on a journey of conscious manifestation, it’s important to learn how to balance the masculine and feminine states (or energies) within you. This is not something I’ve spoken about before but in light of some heavy resistance I experienced this past week, I got some inner insights that reminded me of the importance of balancing the two.

As the powerful creators of our realities, we sometimes can get caught up in the masculine state. Of-course, I am in no way implying that these states reflect gender characteristics. It is more of a metaphor of how these states show up within us.

Over the years, I’ve learned from some great teachers how these two energies tend to show up in. The masculine energy is all about doing, problem-solving, commanding, controlling, thinking… While the feminine energy is all about being, allowing, trusting, and receiving. Dr. Joseph Murphy also refers to the conscious mind as the masculine and the subconscious mind as the feminine.

The descriptors below give you a good idea about these dynamics at work in your life.










Faith / Trust




The idea is never about eliminating one, or preferring one over the other, but it’s rather about BALANCING the two. The more balanced these are, the more ease you will likely experience.

How does this relate to manifesting?

To begin with, any time you are DOING a technique, you are in a masculine energy or state. Any time you are just going with the flow and following your highest excitement, you are in a feminine energy or state. I personally highly recommend that you alternate between doing techniques and just going with the flow so that you maintain inner balance. This is one angle in which masculine and feminine energies play a role in conscious manifesting.

The two states are also important where resistance is concerned.

When you become aware of yourself as the powerful creator of your reality, you may find yourself stubbornly trying to “overcome” 3D challenges. When you feel there is something to “overcome”, you are keeping Identity X active. As a reminder, Identity X is the identity of the person who DOES NOT have their desire and is resisting the 3D.

And while of-course, you can always disengage Identity X so you’re back in Identity Y (through a Pause & Reboot)… Sometimes, it’s about allowing that resistance to just flow through and purge out…

It’s about letting the 3D moment just be what it is… Undesired and unwanted. Sometimes, circumstances DO matter, and that’s perfectly ok!!!

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Stop ASSUMING that you are failing at this.

The physical mind can get immensely triggered when you are experiencing a lot of contrast and dismissing it as “Circumstances don’t matter” or “Get back in your power”.

When you do that, you are resisting the resistance. Sometimes the physical mind NEEDS to vent and say “that’s not OK”. When you do that, you allow the resistance to dissipate and dissolve rather than accumulate and build up further.

It’s ok to realize that it’s NOT ok, in this moment.

Feel free to say “I’m NOT ok in this moment”. And to not force yourself to be in your masculine “manifestation” mindset 24/7.

Being a conscious manifester is NOT about never having any human experiences. We are here to experience the duality. Otherwise, we would not be here! We would have stayed in the realm of pure love and wellbeing. But we have chosen to be here to experience all of creation from a physical perspective, which comes with duality.

Wanted and unwanted.

The more balanced you are in the masculine and feminine states, the less resistance you will generally experience. Things will feel much less rigid. You’ll find yourself easily flowing through life on the path of least resistance (and it’s perfectly OK to experience resistance!).

Resisting the resistance is a masculine state. Because it is very much about solving the problem at hand. You think that as the powerful creator of your reality, surely there is something to DO to obliterate the resistance.

And in doing so, you are creating even more resistance because the problem and the solution are in two different states. So the more you allow the resistance to “pass through” and not be stubborn about it, including by declaring that circumstances DO matter for me today, the more you find lightness and relief from within. When you do this, you allow that resistance to dissolve rather than build up further.

So this is your message today to just acknowledge undesired circumstances and recognize them as unwanted. This does not cause you to lose your power. On the contrary, by acknowledging them (rather than dismissing them, as we tend to do as manifesters), you allow the resistance to dissolve.

It truly is all perfect!


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