The Secret to Transforming Any Relationship Fast

The Secret to Transforming Any Relationship Fast

We’ve all been there: replaying old conversations, clinging to past traumas, and defining our relationships based on what has already happened.

Whether it’s with your romantic partner, parent, friend, or boss, it’s easy to feel stuck by the dynamics of the past.

But here’s a truth that could completely transform your relationships: the history you have with someone is entirely irrelevant.

Yes, you heard me right.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent years arguing with your spouse, if your boss has never acknowledged your value, or if your parent always treated you unfairly.

That past—however real and painful it may seem—doesn’t have to define your present or your future.

Our relationships are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves about us AND them.

It starts with what you assume YOU get in life, making you a victim of circumstances. When you acknowledge that you’re creating it all first and foremost and that you can reclaim WHO you are, then the world around you will change.

You then need to consider the story you are telling about THEM.

If you believe that your spouse is dismissive or your boss is controlling, you will continue to experience those dynamics.


Because your assumptions and expectations about them reflect the script that you are giving them! People will automatically play the roles you assign them.

But here’s the good news…

You can change the script at any time.

It takes you deciding to make the past irrelevant and wiping the slate clean in your mind. It seems easier said than done, but when you do this, you create space for a new version of the relationship to emerge. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, shift your attention to what you prefer.

This isn’t about pretending that past events didn’t happen, although you can with revision.

It’s about recognizing that the only power those events have is the power you continue to give them.

Imagine if you could experience a complete turnaround in your relationships.

What if your partner became attentive and loving?

What if your parent became supportive and kind?

What if your boss started recognizing and rewarding your efforts?

It’s not wishful thinking; it’s the power of conscious manifesting.

When you change your assumptions about someone, you allow them to show you a different side to them.

If you’re ready to dive deeper and truly master the art of transforming your relationships, I invite you to explore my courses:

Manifestation 101: Foundations for Success
This course will help you understand how your self-concept and assumptions shape every aspect of your life, including your relationships. You’ll learn how to shift your internal state to create external changes effortlessly.

Next-Level Manifesting: Advanced Concepts & Practices
In this advanced course, we’ll take a deep dive into powerful techniques to create instant shifts and revise the past, so you bring your desires to life faster. You’ll gain the tools to rewrite the narrative of any relationship and manifest a 180-degree shift.

Both courses are designed to give you the confidence and clarity to transform not only your relationships but every area of your life.

Click here to learn more about my courses and start your journey today.


Build a Life Aligned with Your Desires

Build a Life Aligned with Your Desires

Manifesting isn’t just about wishing for things to change—it’s a way of being, a journey of building from the inside out. So, as you take each step to align with your desires, it’s worth asking: Are you creating a strong foundation for everything you want to manifest?

Whether you’re new to manifesting or looking to deepen your practice, a strong foundation is the difference between a life that shifts temporarily and one that evolves into lasting transformation. In my two foundational courses, I dive deep into the principles and techniques that help you create this solid base—giving you tools that help you align consistently and confidently with your desires.

Why the Foundation Matters

Imagine building a house on shaky ground. Even if it stands, the structure will always feel fragile. Manifesting works the same way. If we build on a shaky sense of who we are and what we believe is possible for us, we’ll likely see “cracks” in our results—experiences that seem inconsistent or desires that feel just out of reach.

When you ground yourself in a clear, empowered self-concept, manifesting becomes not only easier but also more natural. You start to align with your desires on a deeper level, allowing things to unfold with less resistance.

The First Steps to Strengthen Your Manifesting Practice

In my Manifesting 101 course, we explore essential topics like understanding what manifesting really is, your self-concept, and the subconscious mind. These concepts are your starting point to:

  1. Recognize your unconscious manifestations—the ways you’ve been creating without realizing it.
  2. Create a new identity and story that supports the reality you desire.
  3. Use techniques to impress your desires deeply, allowing them to unfold effortlessly.

A Manifesting Exercise for the Week

This week, set aside a few minutes daily to imagine yourself as the person who already has what you want. Don’t just focus on the “thing” you’re manifesting, but on the version of you who has it.

How does that version of you think?

How does that version of you show up?

What are their habits, their feelings?

Start embodying even the smallest qualities of this version of you, and notice how this new foundation shifts your day-to-day reality.

With each aligned thought and action, you’re not just attracting a specific outcome—you’re creating a life that’s built to sustain the changes you desire.

Let’s continue this journey of manifesting, together.

The pre-launch prices are still available for Manifesting 101: Foundations for Success and Next-Level Manifesting: Unlocking Advanced Concepts and Practices


Your Triggers are a Gift!

Your Triggers are a Gift!

Many times, as I’m working with clients, I notice them experiencing triggers on their way to manifesting their desires. This is not the case for every manifestation for sure. But it tends to be the case for situations where one has a long-held undesirable story.

I have personally experienced them myself.

When you first set the intention to manifest something, and you start pursuing your preferred manifesting practice, you MAY at some point experience some negative triggers.

These negative triggers are meant for you to experience as part of the journey of manifesting your desire in its highest form.

They may be negative emotions tied to unworthiness, abandonment issues, rejection, jealousy, etc.

They are essentially emotions that are pointing the light to some long-held charged negative assumptions that you need to release in order to manifest your desire.

How do you release them?

By asking yourself what assumptions are really going on behind the emotion.

When you look at that trigger straight in the eye, the truth behind it will become visible.

The negative assumptions may include things like:

–        I don’t feel worthy of getting that job, relationship, money, etc

–        I am always rejected

–        I never get what I want… others do, not me

–        I am so tired of not having the life I desire

–        And so on…

The triggers might be pointing to just one assumption or a couple of them. We’re not suggesting it’s a long list of assumptions. It’s usually 2-3 maximum per trigger.

When you recognize what these negative assumptions are, you can release them because you fully realize that they are not aligned with your desire. They are simply no longer your truth.

You’ll know that you’ve released them because you’ll feel lighter.

The triggers are helping you get back into your power and choose more positive and empowering assumptions.

Essentially, by setting the intention and doing your manifesting techniques, you have shifted states. And when you shift, these negatively charged assumptions need to be released so you can fully stand firm in your new identity.

it’s the old identity being shed away, so you can manifest your desire in its highest form – with no limitations standing in the way.

I always see these triggers as a gift.

While they are never a must, as we move from a denser state to a lighter state, we may experience those triggers reflecting long-held assumptions that are begging to be released.

It’s truly all good. I have experienced many of these myself, and so have my clients. But it doesn’t mean anything is wrong.

Most importantly, this is not a must for every manifestation. But only for those desires that come with a long undesired history.

If you need help dealing with such triggers, you definitely want to check out all my coaching options here.

I’ll also be filming a video about this next week.

Meanwhile, check out my latest video on the link below:

The Echo is Always Brief and Temporary | Law of Assumption

 Other Videos You Might Like:

No Change in the 3D? Watch This! | Law of Assumption

Your Actions Don’t Define Your Identity! | Law of Assumption

Choose to Perceive Your Reality from the Lens of Fulfillment | Law of Assumption

She Fully Revised Her Husband’s Accident | Law of Assumption


Don’t Give Up Because of THIS…!

Don’t Give Up Because of THIS…!

Did you know that people sometimes give up too soon on their manifestation because of a concept known as the echo? It’s a concept spoken about Bashar that is very important to know about when manifesting.

We live in a physical reality that has some limitations where linear time and space are concerned (although that is decreasing more and more as the planet shifts into 5D consciousness).

But meanwhile, when we have held a certain identity or assumption for a while, and it’s been very dominant for us, any time we decide to make a change in our inner identity or assumptions, we may not see the change in the 3D right away.

That unchanged 3D reality is literally an echo of the old long-held story.

It is by no means a sign that you are doing anything wrong.

You are actually doing everything right!

So IF you experience a situation whereby the 3D reality appears unchanged, remind yourself that this is an echo of the old long-held identity.


Don’t give it any importance.

Don’t worry that you have hidden assumptions.

Don’t wonder if you’re doing anything wrong.

It’s really all good.

While this echo is NOT a must in any shape or form, especially as we expand in our manifesting abilities, sometimes that a lack of change in 3D is very much an echo of a long-held story.

This gets to people often because they FEEL like they have already shifted internally. So why is the 3D not changing?

Because of the time-delay in 3D (which doesn’t have to be long), our new identity and assumptions may need a bit longer to reflect.

Meanwhile, all you need to do is hold firm with the new story.

Just like a real echo, that old 3D reality will fade away with a bit of time.

I speak about this topic more in this week’s video:

No Change in the 3D? Watch This! | Law of Assumption

Other Videos You Might Like:

Your Actions Don’t Define Your Identity! | Law of Assumption

Choose to Perceive Your Reality from the Lens of Fulfillment | Law of Assumption

She Fully Revised Her Husband’s Accident | Law of Assumption

Do Not Fear Your Negative Thoughts

Do Not Fear Your Negative Thoughts

When you are experiencing very negative thoughts – triggered by very negative 3D circumstances – the last thing you want to do is try to flip these thoughts into positive ones.

It’s possible to flip them of-course, provided you are not heavily engaged with them.

But when you are in the middle of dire 3D circumstances, you may find it much harder to flip those negative thoughts into positive ones. Or to have positive thoughts in general.

And because you may find it hard to “think positive”, you may experience even more negative thoughts, as you worry about these negative thoughts creating even more negative circumstances.

When you experience dark thoughts – including worries and fears about 3D circumstances – allow yourself to just become aware of these thoughts.

You don’t need to believe that they are not true. You don’t need to fight them. You don’t need to fear them.

Just notice them and observe them as though you were a third party. There is literally nothing you need to do except become aware of yourself having these thoughts.

Don’t try to convince yourself that these negative thoughts are not true.

Don’t resist or fight them or fear them.

Don’t try to flip them (unless you can, but it’s ok if you can’t).

Don’t criticize yourself for having them to begin with.

Don’t try to ignore them, unless you can. If not, it would be better to observe and acknowledge them.

Acknowledge that you are experiencing fearful thoughts and assumptions. And do so with inner self-love and compassion. It’s all OK!!!

It’s ok to have these thoughts come up.

It’s ok to be afraid.

It’s ok to feel what you feel.

But don’t fear the outcome of these thoughts and feelings – because the mere fact you are aware of yourself having these thoughts means you are in conscious awareness. And in that conscious awareness, these negative thoughts can be released.

In your observation of them, you are allowing these fearful thoughts to pass through and then subsequently dissipate.

Thoughts and feelings may pass through. It’s ok. It doesn’t mean they will create or become your reality.

The key is to experience them and allow them to pass through!! The less you fight them or engage with them, the faster they disappear.

Your fearful thoughts and feelings don’t create in your conscious non-judgmental awareness of them. Let them pass through.