Are You Feeling Shame for Not Manifesting?

by | 16 Nov 2023

A lovely ex-client of mine asked me to talk more about how to deal with shame on the manifesting journey, i.e. shame around delays in manifesting or simply not manifesting certain desires. I’ve noticed this with other clients and subscribers on my channel and thought it was definitely worth talking about.

If we were to look at the feeling of shame, it is a feeling that is generated as a result of self-critical thoughts, as feelings are always an outcome of conscious or subconscious thoughts. In this specific example, the shame is generated from thoughts that the person can’t manifest, while others can. It’s us believing that we are not able to do something.

So, what can we do get rid of this feeling of shame?

First, the only reason we are feeling shame is because we are fueling the thoughts behind the shame, and these thoughts are also opposing thoughts. They may not be specific to our desire, but they are specific to the manifesting process. And you deal with them in the exact same manner you would deal with opposing thoughts relative to any given desire.

On my channel, I always talk about how to deal with opposing thoughts. The key is to neither fight them nor feel bad for having them. Just notice the ego mind at work. The physical ego mind, which is duality-based, tends to be quite judgmental and self-critical. It likes to compare itself to others and criticize itself for its “shortcomings”. These self-critical thoughts are never a reflection of the REAL YOU because you are not your mind, and the “REAL YOU” never requires any fixing.

Therefore, when an opposing thought pops up, notice it, without any self-judgement for having that thought. Notice it with gentle and loving awareness. In doing that, you automatically align with the I-Am state, which is pure conscious awareness with no duality or judgement.

You don’t have to convince yourself of the opposite. This helps you DISCONNECT from the mind all together.

When doing this, i.e. noticing the thought and neither fighting it nor feeling bad for having it, the thought can no longer perpetuate. The only reason a thought would perpetuate is if you are unconsciously engaging with it. In your conscious awareness, the thought can no longer continue or perpetuate itself.

I speak more about that in this week’s video:
Feeling Shame for Not Manifesting? Watch This…| Law of Assumption

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