How do you live in the end when you’re living with the person, and they are reflecting back to you undesired words, behaviors and actions on a daily basis?
It really may seem easier said than done. But I have absolutely experienced success with this through my own experiences as well as the experiences of my clients, who have manifested desired changes in their spouses.
At the highest level of creation (within the physical realm), i.e. Level 6 of the 7 Levels of Reality Creation, pure conscious awareness is enough. When you are experiencing undesired behaviors and actions from others, remaining conscious of how you are creating these helps you step back into your power.
So when they trigger you with a comment, behavior or action, remembering that YOU are the source of it all (rather than the victim) helps you choose again!
But in what way are you the source?
Well, that may better be covered in another email. But briefly, it’s all about what you are assuming about yourself, the other person, and circumstances in general, as well as how you assume the other person sees you.
Choose better assumptions, ignore anything that happens meanwhile, and they will “change” (i.e. YOU will shift to another reality where a preferred version of them is showing up).
This conscious awareness is enough on its own!
But some people prefer a more practical approach, although I personally consider the above to be highly practical and do-able.
If you prefer techniques, you can instead choose to focus on their positive qualities. List out all the actual positive aspects of their character, behaviors and actions (i.e. the things about them that you love). Even if these qualities appear limited at this point in time, divert all your focus and attention on these and only these. You can affirm for these existing qualities every morning.
When you do this, the person will start to reflect more of these positive actions and behaviors in your day-to-day life, while their less desired qualities begin to fall into the background.
As you experience more and more of these qualities, you will find it easier to assume that their undesired qualities can be “changed”. So, at that point, list out all these undesired characteristics and flip them into positive ones. When you do this, you allow yourself to start claiming more positive assumptions about them (as far-fetched as these may seem).
They will not only reflect more of their existing positive qualities, but they will appear to have “transformed”.
In this week’s video, I cover all the above and more, including how to deal with them in 3D as you’re working on manifesting a better version of them. Do you need to act as if they’ve already transformed? Or do you continue to respond to them based on how they’re showing up currently in the 3D?
How to Live in Wish Fulfilled When You’re Living with Them | Law of Assumption (
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