When it comes to the levels of reality creation, action is at the very bottom. It is the densest most difficult way to create change.
Why is that?
Because actions are always an OUTCOME of a chosen inner identity. Therefore, to create change from the bottom up will feel much harder.
Take, for example, someone who is heavily identified with being unfit. Taking action to go to the gym from that identity will feel incredibly hard. But if that same person focused on the end and saw themselves as already fit (through affirmations or visualizations), the inspired actions will be very naturally that of the person who is fit or on the way towards becoming fit.
But the key is that the action is inspired and never forced.
One of my coaching clients is in the process of manifesting an upgrade in her current relationship – from casual dating to a long-term commitment. Her partner is interested in maintaining the relationship “as is”.
As she started working with me to manifest the desired outcome, she affirmed for her desired identity (i.e. the woman who is loved, pursued, chosen and committed to). As part of the process, she felt called to pull back from the relationship until she can get a better outcome from him. It was not something I discussed with her or asked her to do. She felt CALLED to do that.
This does not mean her action was “right or wrong” or “aligned/not aligned with her chosen identity”.
It’s just inspired action that is leading her towards her full manifestation on the path of least resistance FOR HER.
When I work with clients, I never expect them to force certain actions because change is never created through action. And we are all very different. What’s the path of least resistance for one person may be the path of highest resistance for another. So there is never one size that fits all. Additionally, we’re simply not dealing with action here. Only inner identities. The actions are all inspired on the client’s part.
In our next session, she informed me that she felt called to reach out to him again. But this time, she felt a great deal of shame and guilt for the reconciliation. In her mind, her actions were not aligned with her chosen identity.
My advice to her had nothing to do with the action, which again was both neutral and inspired. My advice revolved around the judgements she was making of a very neutral circumstance.
Actions really don’t matter because your actions do not define your identity. They are an OUTCOME of your chosen identity, and sometimes, your inspired actions are part of the bridge of incidents. All these actions – inspired or not – are neutral. It’s what you are ASSUMING about your actions that matter.
And when your actions are inspired (i.e. you feel called to do something) – in her case she felt called to step away and then subsequently to bridge the gap – it’s all part of the unfolding because your higher mind is leading you towards your full manifestation on the path of least resistance.
That path is different for everyone. At first, she felt called to step back. That was part of the bridge of incidents. She then felt called to return. Again, it’s part of the bridge of incidents. Her one and only task is to uphold her inner assumptions of herself (that she is loved, pursued, chosen and committed to) and to not judge her inspired actions and behaviors, because these like the 3D are all irrelevant and neutral.
I speak more about this important topic in this week’s video:
Your Actions Do Not Define Your Identity | Law of Assumption
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