Did you know that people sometimes give up too soon on their manifestation because of a concept known as the echo? It’s a concept spoken about Bashar that is very important to know about when manifesting.
We live in a physical reality that has some limitations where linear time and space are concerned (although that is decreasing more and more as the planet shifts into 5D consciousness).
But meanwhile, when we have held a certain identity or assumption for a while, and it’s been very dominant for us, any time we decide to make a change in our inner identity or assumptions, we may not see the change in the 3D right away.
That unchanged 3D reality is literally an echo of the old long-held story.
It is by no means a sign that you are doing anything wrong.
You are actually doing everything right!
So IF you experience a situation whereby the 3D reality appears unchanged, remind yourself that this is an echo of the old long-held identity.
Don’t give it any importance.
Don’t worry that you have hidden assumptions.
Don’t wonder if you’re doing anything wrong.
It’s really all good.
While this echo is NOT a must in any shape or form, especially as we expand in our manifesting abilities, sometimes that a lack of change in 3D is very much an echo of a long-held story.
This gets to people often because they FEEL like they have already shifted internally. So why is the 3D not changing?
Because of the time-delay in 3D (which doesn’t have to be long), our new identity and assumptions may need a bit longer to reflect.
Meanwhile, all you need to do is hold firm with the new story.
Just like a real echo, that old 3D reality will fade away with a bit of time.
I speak about this topic more in this week’s video:
No Change in the 3D? Watch This! | Law of Assumption
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