Manifesting Your Desired Relationship by Valentine’s Day

by | 18 Jan 2024

I received a question from one of my subscribers about how to manifest her desired relationship by Valentine’s Day.

This is really a perfect example of manifesting on a deadline!

We all know that in every moment, we are shifting realities based on our inner state. It’s a state of consciousness reflecting either a state of wish fulfillment or a state of lack – where a given desire is concerned.

When we have placed a deadline for the manifestation of a desire, we must remain conscious of not placing ourselves in a state of lack and pressure, both of which are not aligned with the state of the wish fulfilled.
So to be able to bridge that gap, it’s important to shift internally from that state of lack & pressure to the state of the HAVING our desire.

How do we do that when that date keeps getting closer and closer? How do we remain in the state of the wish fulfilled when we are so conscious of that deadline?

Taking into consideration a date such as Valentine’s Day, there are three different ways to address that gap.

The first is to mentally jump to that date and be thankful for already having that desire. For example, you can say “I am so happy that today is Valentine’s Day and I am in a loving committed relationship with my ideal partner”. Rather than making that date an upcoming future date that is getting closer and closer, we are literally ON that day already, and we are enjoying our manifestation in its full. In doing this, we have shifted from pressure to relief.

My second recommendation for dealing with this stems from the notion that when you are already in your desired relationship, it is unlikely that you are worried about Valentine’s Day coming! The only scenarios where you would be thinking about it so early on is if you are in the early stages of your relationship, you’re very romantic by nature, or you’re a planner! Therefore, the second way to be in the state of the wish fulfilled is to actually plan for that day! You don’t need to take actual physical action (such as booking a location or spending money) but you can certainly research potential dinner date or holiday venues, experiences, trips, outfits and so on! This automatically puts you in the state of the having. In fact, this can really make it more and more believable.

The third suggestion is to not give it another thought! Yes… that’s correct! You’ll understand why I say that in my video below, where I talk about this and more:

How to Manifest Your Desired Relationship by Valentine’s Day | Law of Assumption


You also don’t want to miss another video I posted earlier in the week!

Are the Core Principles of Manifesting Also Assumptions? | Law of Assumption

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