Everyone is You Pushed Out

by | 7 Dec 2023

The concept of Everyone is You Pushed Out (EIYPO) states that other people are always mirroring back to you your inner assumptions about them. They are always going to think, feel, behave, and act in the way you ASSUME they will.

Here is a perfect example…

Yesterday I had a session with one of my clients, who was unhappy to discover that her romantic partner is homophobic. She said, I know that I am creating it all, but I never had an assumption about him being that way. In fact, I never imagined he would be that way.
I immediately spotted how that was her creation because earlier in our session, and in past sessions as well, she stated that he was too traditional and rigid in his thinking. He wasn’t open-minded and he even had very traditional ideas about gender roles. And so, through pure “stereotyping”, she unconsciously manifested other characteristics that fall under that general stereotype.

And yes, she got it! She got how assumptions are really playing out, often in a way that is not so direct but through mere classification of characteristics that “go together”, all of which happened unconsciously for her.

The truly amazing, remarkable, extraordinary thing to note here is that if you are just WILLING TO BELIEVE that you can create new assumptions about someone, no matter what they have shown you in the past… you can start to see that change in them, almost immediately.

It’s never about creating change in someone through physical action. It’s not about trying to change WHO THEY ARE. It’s about changing YOU and your inner assumptions about them. And therefore, you are going to gradually see a full turnaround because you’re slowly going to start experiencing a different VERSION of them.

Manifesting is always a by-product of two things: Your inner assumptions and your focus and attention. Therefore, if she decides to change her inner assumptions about him even if she doesn’t believe it’s possible (either by setting that intention or affirming for the new assumptions), and she STOPS fueling the old story through focus and attention (i.e. talking about all the things she dislikes about him), she will start seeing a shift in him. That happens because she is not changing him. She is changing HERSELF, and literally shifting into an alternate reality where a different version of him is showing up and mirroring back her new assumptions.

Everyone is always mirroring back our inner assumptions, which always run at three levels: assumptions about ourselves (and what we tend to attract), assumptions about other people, and assumptions about circumstances in general.

This concept of EIYPO is a very fascinating topic. If you’d like to see more examples of this, then you definitely want to watch the following two videos:
Let’s Talk About Everyone is You Pushed Out | Law of AssumptionEveryone is You Pushed Out | Law of Assumption

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