Your Past Negative Thoughts Have No Creative Power

by | 21 Sep 2023

When I first learned about manifesting and got into Law of Attraction, I was very conscious of the fact that my current physical reality is the result of my thoughts. And I started to develop this fear of the creative power of thoughts given the “time-lag” between a thought and its physical manifestation. This is probably a big hang-up for many people given that the Law of Attraction teaches that our 3D reality is old news from a linear time perspective.

However, this too is a limiting assumption because we are actually shifting realities in every single moment. In every single moment, we are someone new. There really is no linear time! There is only NOW. And in this moment, I can choose something completely new and more empowering.

With this understanding, there is no time lag… meaning, I do not have to worry about the physical creation of a past negative thought because I happened to be in a bad space.

It’s important to understand that your 3D does not change but YOU change, and in the process, you shift timelines and realities, giving the illusion that your 3D changed. With this understanding that we are shifting, your past does not have an impact because with this shift, your past also changes. This means that your undesired past circumstances and your past negative thoughts have zero impact or power over your physical reality.

In every moment, YOU are changing identities based on what you’re CHOOSING. Every identity has its own corresponding beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions. Therefore, your past negative thoughts (and corresponding identity) again has no bearing on what you are experiencing this moment because you are literally someone else!

So this is a reminder to you to not give any power to your past circumstances or to your past thoughts, for they CANNOT create. These are all limitations of the fear-based mind which has even gotten its grips on the manifesting process! In your consciousness and awareness of the limitations of “THE MIND” (which is not you!), you have the ability to recognize and therefore disconnect from these fear-based thoughts.

In every moment, you become someone new with zero weight or power attributed to your past negative thoughts. In fact, even your CURRENT negative thoughts have zero power when you become conscious and aware of them as they are happening and rejecting them all together.

YOU are the operant power and creator and can easily reject the undesirable stories of the mind in every single moment. You really are that powerful!

I talk about this concept in more detail in the following video:

Your Past Negative Thoughts Have No Creative Power | Law of Assumption



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