One of the biggest issues that people face when manifesting is remaining unconcerned with their current undesired 3D as well as controlling their opposing thoughts.
So when this manifesting practice intuitively came to me, through my higher mind, I was blown away by how my opposing thoughts were completely muted and how strongly and easily I was able to hold the state of the wish fulfilled.
Essentially, every desire has a corresponding identity (or state of consciousness). If your desire is to become a highly successful millionaire entrepreneur, that has a very different identity to someone who is a struggling entrepreneur. Same goes for any other desire.
And every identity has its own corresponding beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions (and ultimately 3D reality).
Identity A (Lack) -> Beliefs (A) -> Thoughts (A) -> Emotions (A) -> Actions (A)
Identity B (Wish Fulfilled) -> Beliefs (B) -> Thoughts (B) -> Emotions (B) -> Actions (B)
This means that when you are overly concerned with the undesired 3D and fighting your opposing thoughts, you are actually identified with LACK. You are in the identity of someone who does not have their desire, otherwise you would not be concerned! The emotions of someone in state of wish fulfilled (Identity B) are very different than the emotions of someone in lack (Identity A).
It really is this very point that causes people to give up, because it does require some will power and persistence to shift into B and stay there. And, while you can always redirect your opposing thoughts and ignore 3D using will power and it becomes easier with practice, wouldn’t it be nice to just not have that to begin with?
This was an intention I have been setting for a while. I wanted a manifesting practice that helps me, my clients and subscribers to just SHIFT and stay there with ease. And of-course, when you ASK, it is given.
I found myself intuitively implementing this new practice for my own desires. Of-course, I did not invent these techniques, as the practice is a combination of different techniques that already exist. But I combined them into a practice that helped me not only SHIFT completely within 24 hours, but it also helped me STAY THERE.
In a nutshell, I experienced the following:
- I found myself completely IDENTIFIED with the person who has their desire. I had a very strong unwavering confidence (versus moving in and out of that state until it became dominant)
- My opposing thoughts were completely muted. Usually, an opposing thought makes a bit of noise before you find yourself redirecting. Instead, it felt like the thought dissolved on its own with zero effort from my end.
- I had zero concerns with 3D. I JUST KNEW that my 3D was going to shift very fast (versus being conscious of 3D and using mental willpower to ignore it)
- I experienced immediate movement within 24 hours (versus experiencing on and off movement after some time of persistence)
- I experienced several physical manifestations within 2-3 days (versus weeks of persistence)
It has now been two weeks of me being in that state consistently and effortlessly and my 3D has transformed in ways I will share with you someday soon!
Needless to say, I started sharing this practice with my clients, who also experienced the same shifts immediately! Interestingly enough, several of my YouTube subscribers told me that they too intuitively received such “guidance” from their higher minds, which of course is no surprise! We all come from one consciousness and every single one of us has a higher mind, who is lovingly guiding us and leading us towards our desires. Nevertheless, it was great validation!
If you’d like to find out more about this practice, I share it all in detail in the following YouTube video.
My New Manifesting Practice with Mind Blowing Results | Law of Assumption – YouTube