Did you know that you have the power to claim a new identity right here right now? I speak frequently on my YouTube Channel that there are two ways to manifest: one through subconscious mind and the other through identity shifting.
Sometimes people can’t understand what is meant by claiming a new identity. Where you are today reflects a current “dominant” identity that you have been choosing (perhaps not consciously). It’s where you’re dominantly identified because you are using your 3D (i.e. physical reality) as feedback on WHO YOU ARE, rather than the other way around.
So, if money is scarce in your 3D, you are identified as “the person with financial scarcity”. But rather than using 3D to determine your identity, you can consciously CHOOSE a different identity all together. And if you just make that declaration to yourself that “I am the person who is financially abundant”, your 3D WILL SHIFT.
But to do this, it’s important that you recognize that YOU are not your mind or your thoughts. YOU are the awareness behind the thoughts. So when thoughts come up that say “I don’t have enough”, just become aware that this is THE MIND speaking, not you. This makes it easier for you to recognize the workings of the habitual mind and then to disengage from it.
The real YOU has chosen but THE MIND needs to be ignored in order for your 3D to shift and conform.
I talk much more about how to claim your new identity in this video on YouTube:
How to Claim Your New Preferred Identity