Do you wonder why you sometimes get stuck in repeating the same patterns even though you believe you have changed your thoughts around them?

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction 17 years ago, I thought I had it all figured out. Learning about myself as the conscious creator of my own experience deeply empowered and liberated me. I went after things I never dreamed of doing before. I quit my full-time job. I started a brand-new business in something I knew nothing about it. I set big intentions for the business and manifested them all and beyond. Through my entrepreneurial journey, I discovered my purpose and that is to be a coach and mentor to purpose-driven women. So in 2013, I became just that and worked with amazing women to help them build thriving businesses doing what they love.
But I did get stuck at one moment in time. Although I thought I had it all figured out – I wanted to be a coach and mentor for sure – I was not fulfilled. The lack of fulfillment resulted in struggle. I was not about to build a life and career around something that was not fulfilling.
It took me many years to finally understand what that was. As I share in my book “BECOMING YOU”, it all boils down to listening to our Higher Mind and disengaging with our physical mind, which is fear-based and relies on logic. Through my own journey of understanding our physical reality, why we want what we want and when I was truly fulfilled vs unfulfilled, I finally discovered how to follow a path that is guaranteed to fulfill you and unlock abundance and success like never before.
But you don’t need to spend time (years in my case!) and energy to figure it out. With Soul Realignment®, you get instant feedback on your true essence (Divine Gifts) and in what ways you intended to create on your life’s journey!

Soul Realignment is an intuitive healing modality utilizing the Akashic Records to unlock your Soul-level potential and clear blocks and restrictions that you may be holding onto subconsciously.
Getting a reading allows you to experience yourself as the conscious creator that you are, and harnessing the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities to create the life you want, based on your Divine Gifts and who you are, at Soul-level.
Soul Realignment is about truly LIVING your Soul’s identity in very real, practical ways so that you may ground who you truly are into your human experience!
Through Soul Realignment, you will:
- Learn about your Soul’s nature, purpose, and gifts.
- Develop an in-depth understanding of who you truly are and how your Soul is energetically designed to manifest its human experience.
- Get insight into the root causes behind the persistent negative patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that seem to plague you.
- Gain real and meaningful explanations for many of your present-life experiences and resolve these experiences to finally create what you truly want for yourself.
- Clear and heal the negative karmic patterns through which you have created limitations for yourself.
- Experience a profound transformation in your life experience.
- Begin attracting new experiences and create more of what you want.
- Break through to a new level of spiritual growth and evolution.
- Unlock your potential as the powerful Creator of your own experience as you resolve negative patterns and step into your Divine Gifts
- Uphold your Divine self-expression and gifts within all of your interactions so that you are serving both yourself and others at a whole new level.
- Receive clear and specific information on how to align to your inherent Soul-level gifts so that you can create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
This is also not a magic pill. Knowledge on its own is not enough. You need to EMBODY the information. You will need to take action to shift and align with the guidance that is provided to you. You cannot expect different results by doing the same things over and over. There needs to be a level of commitment to shift your results and receive all the magic that comes with it. It can get uncomfortable!
The fact that you’re reading this means you know it’s time for a change and you need to do your part to step into your true power.
Because once the difficult part is over, you will experience success, fulfillment and abundance like never before.

Once you sign up for a reading and make the payment, you will automatically receive a payment confirmation email. Then, within 24 hours, you will receive another email requesting some basic information. You will also be prompted to schedule a suitable time for our meeting. Please note that the calendar will automatically require you to wait 4 business days before you can schedule the meeting to allow time for the information to be processed. We will meet online for one hour (via Zoom) to discuss the outcomes of the reading and next steps. You will also get a recording of our one-on-one session. And that’s it!
What is the Soul Realignment Reading?
Getting a reading allows you to experience yourself as the conscious creator that you are, and harnessing the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities to create the life you want, based on your Divine Gifts and who you are, at Soul-level.
Soul Realignment is about truly LIVING your Soul’s identity in very real, practical ways so that you may ground who you truly are into your human experience!
Who is the Soul Realignment Reading for?
What will I discover about myself when I purchase a Soul Realignment Reading?
What can I expect after the session?
What can I expect from the clearing work?
How will getting a Soul Realignment Reading help me in my personal and professional life?
The information of Soul Realignment Reading is extremely practical and will help you understand yourself in everyday life. It helps you understand why you do what you do and why you are drawn to certain things more than others. Often, people will compare themselves to friends or family and feel bad for not being able to take certain actions, as other people may be doing. That is because we are all energetically different. What comes easy to you may be hard for others, and vice versa. Once you gain an understanding of that, you will realize that you are never doing anything “wrong” and you thrive very differently from a sibling or a friend.
The vast majority of Soul Realignment clients highly resonate with the information because your Soul Gifts represent the energetic qualities of your soul and you will be naturally drawn to expressing these gifts in your life. It is highly validating and it provides you with the confidence that you are on the right track.
From a professional perspective, the Soul Realignment Reading will help you realize what professions you will be great at and will lead to more abundance for you (in terms of success, wealth and fulfillment). On the flipside, it will also raise your awareness on which activities you would best avoid, as these might deplete you.
If you are interested in doing an assessment of your business and how well-aligned it is to your Soul gifts, then please check out my Soul-Aligned Business readings.
How frequently should I get a Soul Realignment Reading?
Will you help me implement actions and stay on track after the Soul Realignment Reading?
This is not part of the Soul Realignment Reading. But I can help guide you and ensure you stay on track through my Soul-Aligned Coaching.