Soul Realignment® is an intuitive healing modality utilizing the Akashic Records to unlock your Soul-level potential and clear blocks and restrictions that you may holding you back.
Getting a reading for your business allows you to ensure that your business is energetically aligned to you Divine Soul Blueprint so that you can create income from a more energy-based perspective.
By working with me one-to-one, I will conduct a detailed energetic analysis of your business to uncover exactly where abundance is not flowing and which part of the business is the root cause for misalignment. This includes:
- Setting up or amending your business to be an expression of your Divine Gifts and Soul Purpose
- Identifying the entrepreneurial strengths and challenges tied to your Soul profile
- Ensuring your business is set up independently from an energetic perspective so it does not exhaust you as the business owner
- Identifying exactly what marketing strategies, sales processes and business systems will align to the greatest available financial flow for your business.
- Uncovering the blocks and restrictions within the anatomy of your business that are hindering the flow of money, new customers, or repeat business.
- Discovering what can be shifted within the areas of marketing, sales, products, services, and business systems in order to create more financial abundance.
- Addressing passive income, automation, outsourcing, partnerships, joint ventures, and how these may affect your financial abundance from an energetic perspective.
- Discovering what makes a product or service the “right” one for the business in order to sell, and what may cause misalignment.
- Evaluating new projects or services for their financial abundance potential BEFORE they are launched.
- Uncovering the marketing strategies that are most aligned with yourself and your business as well as evaluating marketing materials for financial abundance potential.
- Evaluating your sales processes and what may create alignment or misalignment to financial abundance.
- Addressing the issues of receiving and value for both individuals and business
- Evaluating your hiring decisions, joint venture projects and partnerships BEFORE they are made.
- Evaluating businesses for potential investors.
- Energetically transmuting difficult business relationships that are creating energetic misalignments to financial abundance.
- Assessing the various systems of a business for optimal financial flow
This is not a magic pill. Knowledge on its own is not enough. You need to implement the information into your business. You will need to take action to shift and align your business with the guidance that is provided to you. You cannot expect different results by doing the same things over and over. There needs to be a level of commitment to shift your results and receive all the magic that comes with it. It can get uncomfortable!
The fact that you’re reading this means you know it’s time for a change and you need to do your part to step into your true power.
Because once the difficult part is over, you will experience success, fulfillment and abundance in your business like never before.

What To Expect From Soul Aligned Business
Once you sign up for a reading and make the payment, you will automatically receive within 48 hours an email requesting some information. You will also be prompted to schedule a suitable time for our meeting. Please note that the calendar will automatically require you to wait at least 4 business days before you can schedule the meeting to allow time for the information to be processed. We will meet online for one hour (via Zoom) to discuss the outcomes of the reading and next steps. You will also get a recording of our one-on-one session.