The Self-Concept Workbook


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Are you ready to align with the TRUE version of yourself in love and relationships? This 55-page eBook and Journaling Workbook will guide you step-by-step through an empowering process to journal your way to a rock-solid self-concept and manifest your desired relationship!

This workbook is for you whether you’d like to manifest a new relationship, whether it’s with a specific person or someone new) or take your existing relationship to the next level.

The workbook guides you through a daily journaling routine so that you align with and embody a rock-solid self-concept and manifest your desired relationship outcomes.

What You’ll Find Inside:
Discover the true meaning of self-concept – which is a highly misunderstood term and often confused for pure self-esteem – and use the comprehensive 7-step journaling method to easily and fully align with the highest version of yourself in love and relationships so that you manifest the loving, committed and long-term relationship with your desired partner.

Introduction (Chapter 1): Learn about what this journaling workbook will do for you and how it will help you manifest your desired relationship in its highest form, including what that actually means.

What is Self-Concept? (Chapter 2): Gain an understanding of what self-concept really and how it may be standing in the way of manifesting your ideal relationship.

Is Self-Concept the Same as Self-Worth? (Chapter 3): Learn how self-concept is never just confined to self-worth and how dismissing self-concept can often be the reason you are not manifesting the loving, committed and long-term relationship that you desire.

Self-Love and Self-Acceptance (Chapter 4): Delve deep into how self-love and self-acceptance fit into self-concept, including whether you should accept or “fix”.

High Self-Concept Versus Big Ego (Chapter 5): Explore the difference between high self-concept and big ego and whether you should worry about that as you uplevel your self-concept.

The Journaling Workbook (Chapter 6): Apply my 7-step journaling process on a daily basis help you align DAILY with that rock-solid version of yourself and very quickly call in the loving, committed and long-term relationship you desire!

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Workbook Version

For Her, For Him