The latest updates, advice and teachings curated by Mona Shibel
In Every Moment You Have the Choice…
As we go through life, we are constantly drawing conclusions and making observations and judgements about the people...
What To Do If You’ve Created a 3rd Party
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I always say that everything in your physical reality is your...
Do This If You Find It Hard to Control Your Opposing Thoughts
If you’re having many intrusive and opposing thoughts and find it difficult to take charge of them, do not worry...
How to Stop Waiting for Your Desires to Manifest
A big part of being in the state of wish fulfilled is a sense of fulfillment… because in the state of HAVING, there is...
How to Effortlessly Shift & Stay in the State of Wish Fulfilled
While manifesting your desire, if you are constantly fighting intrusive opposing thoughts and finding it difficult to...
How to Manifest a 180 Degree Shift in Your Life
This blog post is inspired by a request I received from one of the subscribers to my YouTube Channel. She asked how...