The latest updates, advice and teachings curated by Mona Shibel
Everyone is You Pushed Out
The concept of Everyone is You Pushed Out (EIYPO) states that other people are always mirroring back to you your inner...
THIS Helps You Fulfill Your Desires
As people work on manifesting their desires, it may be easy to fall into this “waiting” trap… waiting for the perfect...
YOU Don’t Need Fixing!
Whenever I talk on my channel about “fixing” or “upleveling” your self-concept, it is never about fixing YOU, because...
Are You Feeling Shame for Not Manifesting?
A lovely ex-client of mine asked me to talk more about how to deal with shame on the manifesting journey, i.e. shame...
Don’t Justify Why It’s Not Here Yet
As we focus on manifesting our desires, sometimes our conscious ego mind needs “consolation” on why something is...
Beware of Fear-Based Coaching
One of the things I hear about while working with clients is some of the coaching advice they receive from other...