The latest updates, advice and teachings curated by Mona Shibel
Emotions are the Outcome Not the Source
For people who were first introduced to the concept of manifesting through the Law of Attraction, emotions were a big...
Why the Undesired 3D Really Does Not Matter
You always hear Manifestation Coaches talk about the undesired physical 3D reality being completely irrelevant, as...
The 3D is the Outcome Not the Source
Last week, I posted a video about what assuming really means. It’s not just something you experience BEFORE a 3d...
She’s Manifesting Two Different Versions of Him
Today, I want to talk about one of my lovely clients, who is literally manifesting two different versions of her...
Client Manifests a $20 Mil Deal on the Same Day Using Affirmations
Last month, a lovely client signed up for email coaching, requesting help in creating change for herself in two life...
When People Manifest the Opposite of Their Desire
I’ve heard people mention that any time they start working on consciously manifesting a certain desire, they manifest...