Mona Shibel is an International Author and  Manifestation Coach nearly 20 years experience in Conscious Creation.

My conscious manifesting journey started in 2004, when I found myself intuitively creating the life I desired for myself, not knowing that I was applying the principles of manifesting. At that stage, I did not even know about the Law of Attraction or the Law of Assumption. In 2007, I discovered the book the Secret, which explained what I had been intuitively doing for the past three years. Leaving me with more questions than answers, that new awareness sparked my spiritual journey, which is really a journey of higher consciousness that required a great deal of unlearning and re-learning. My life and career also changed in the process. I was called to start a business in 2008 while I was working full-time and then to quit my full-time career in 2011, working thereafter on an independent basis through both my own businesses and consulting projects. That career shift allowed me to go through my own personal growth so that I truly embody what I had learned conceptually, and to build an immense amount of faith in our inner powers.

The year 2020 sparked another layer of awareness and understanding, allowing me to shed some of the limitations of Law of Attraction through an understanding that our world is an illusion and there is no real physicality in this “physical” world we live in. In 2021, I was introduced to the Law of Assumption, which yet again, took my understanding to the next level.

My teachings are all based on my personal experience and understanding, bringing together years of personal growth, applying and embodying the learnings of the greatest teachers on both spirituality and manifesting.

I share many of these teachings on both manifesting and soul in my book “BECOMING YOU – CREATE & LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE”.


Are you ready to take your manifesting abilities to the next level?