Are you ready to step into your true power as you intended at Soul level? Download my free ebook to discover the magical shifts you experience when you finally align with your Soul’s intentions.

Hello. My name is Mona Shibel and I am a Soul-Aligned Coach and Intuitive Business Mentor helping purpose-driven women like you to align with their soul’s intentions and utilize their unique gifts so they can manifest the success, fulfillment and abundance that is their birth right! 


In my FREE ebook, I share with you my personal journey in creating my own life through the conscious embodiment of Law of Attraction and how I eventually got stuck intellectualizing my intentions.

With higher consciousness comes greater responsibility and that is when you will be required to fully align with your Soul’s intentions in order to truly thrive.

The great news is that once you do that, your life will never be the same.

Download my ebook to discover the 5 Magical Shifts you experience when you finally let go and and go with the flow.



Find out now what you can expect from aligning with your Soul’s purpose and how to know that you are on track.

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